In order to show the maximum hemisphere inscribed to a unit cuboid, I use the following code:
30 - 12 Sqrt[6] + x (-6 + 2 Sqrt[6] + x) + y (-6 + 2 Sqrt[6] + y) +
z (-6 + 2 Sqrt[6] + z) == 0, {x, 0, 1}, {y, 0, 1}, {z, 0, 1},
Mesh -> None, PlotTheme -> "Classic",
ClipPlanes -> -{1, 1, 1, 3 (Sqrt[6] - 3)},
ClipPlanesStyle -> {Opacity[.5]}],
Graphics3D[{Red, Ball[{1, 4 - 3 Sqrt[3/2], 4 - 3 Sqrt[3/2]}, .1]},
Boxed -> False],
Sphere[{5 - 2 Sqrt[6], 2 - Sqrt[3/2], 2 - Sqrt[3/2]}, .1]},
Boxed -> False]
I add two sphere
3D objects in order to indicate the edge of the hemisphere. But I don't want the balls being clipped too.
How can I avoid it?