
Given a list of elements I need all possible pairings of elements with a leading factor that describes the number of permutations. A (ugly but) working version would be:

list = {a, b, c, d};
 res = DeleteDuplicates[
  Map[Sort, Map[Partition[#, 2] &, Permutations[list]], 2]]
 factor = Map[Signature, Map[Flatten, res]]

that gives the desired

res = {{{a, b}, {c, d}}, {{a, c}, {b, d}}, {{a, d}, {b, c}}}

with factors of

factor = {1, -1, 1}.

As this solution scales catastrophically for larger lists, I am looking for ways to speed computation up.


1 Answer 1


in a 13/05/1997 email, Will Self ([email protected]) sent me the following fast code for a more general version of this nice problem:
(* needs Combinatorica *)

groupings[ensemble_, {k_}] := List /@ KSubsets[ensemble, k];
groupings[ensemble_, {1, sequ__}] := Flatten[Table[
    Prepend[#, {ensemble[[j]]}] & /@ 
     groupings[Drop[ensemble, {j}], {sequ}], {j, 1, Length[ensemble], 
     1}], 1];
groupings[ensemble_, {k_, sequ__}] :=
  (ReplacePart[#, Prepend[#[[1]], ensemble[[1]]], 1]) & /@
   groupings[Drop[ensemble, 1], {k - 1, sequ}];

Using this, your problem reduces to

groupings[{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}, {2, 2, 2}]

and it's speed can be demonstrated by

Table[ Timing[Length@groupings[Range[2 n], Table[2, {n}]]], {n, 
   7}] // Timing   

{5.94364, {{0., 1}, {0., 3}, {0., 15}, {0., 105}, {0.0312002, 
   945}, {0.374402, 10395}, {5.53804, 135135}}}    

Alas, the combinatorial explosion is still there : n=8 takes 94 sec. See http://oeis.org/A001147 for more details.


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