I'm trying to make an unsophisticated 3D model of a continent's path on a globe consisting of snapshots of the planet surface that follows the historical trend of continental drift.
By "unsophisticated" I mean:
Each continent is represented by a simple polygonal approximation. The approximation is based on the respective continent's present shape.
The globe is a perfect sphere.
At the start, the supercontinent Pangaea is less a supercontinent and more a jigsaw puzzle whose pieces (the polygons) can overlap. For reference, you can check this YouTube clip. My starting point would be about $332\text{ mya}$ (3:34) and the terminal point would be what we see today at $0\text{ mya}$ (4:10).
For the purposes of this post, let's suppose a continent is approximated with a small regular hexagon.
How can I render a hexagon on a sphere?
Is it possible to manipulate the hexagon's position on the sphere by means of adjusting the hexagon-on-sphere's centroid's coordinates?
Would it also be possible to rotate the hexagon?
By this I mean I would like to, with the use of Manipulate
and sliders, adjust the latitude/longitude of the point on the sphere corresponding to the hexagon's center to place the hexagon wherever I wish - kind of like dragging a coin along the surface of a beach ball.
This is easy enough to do in rectangular coordinates. Given a hexagon like
I can translate and rotate it in a plane using
Rotate[Polygon[CirclePoints[6] + Table[{x, y}, 6]], t]
{x, -1, 1}, {y, -1, 1}, {t, 0, 2Pi}]
but I have no clue as to how to adapt something like this to the sphere's surface.