Given a long list of independent rational expressions, I need to decide in a reliable but quick way whether or not it is possible for each to be purely negative.
Consider the following rational expression:
expr = ((-1)^(1/3)*(x^2 - y))/x^2
Then I would like something like:
Assuming[(# ∈ Reals)& /@ Variables[expr] (* {x ∈ Reals, y ∈ Reals} *)
, Simplify[expr ∈ Reals && expr < 0]]
to return False
since expr
can't be real and negative. But it doesn't work. I have to explicitly tell it that no combination of variables can be zero:
Assuming[{x ∈ Reals, y ∈ Reals, y ≠ x^2, y ≠ 0, x ≠ 0}
, Simplify[expr ∈ Reals && expr < 0]]
(* False *)
But this breaks my ability to automate this computation. How do I decide whether a rational expression is real and negative in a simpler way?
(-1)^(1/3) = 0.500 + 0.867 I
then you would need to useCubeRoot