As Kuba said, you might first want to ensure that the PlotRange
is the same so that the plots are at the same scale when at the same absolute size. Note that you're looking at the plots in List
form: List[plot1,plot2,plot3]
. Mathematica will do you a favour by displaying these graphics so you can easily tell what's in the List
, but if you intend on actually displaying these graphics then you should really use something like Row
or GraphicsRow
. I prefer Row
because it actually pays attention to options you use like ImageSize
So here's an example of displaying the three plots using Row
a = {{Cuboid[]}, {Cuboid[], Cuboid[{1, 0, 0}]}, {Cuboid[],
Cuboid[{1, 0, 0}], Cuboid[{0, 1, 0}]}};
Row[Graphics3D[#, PlotRange -> {{0, 2}, {0, 2}, {0, 2}},
ImageSize -> 400] & /@ a]
? There is a list of available options in Details&Options section $\endgroup$Graphics3D[#, PlotRange -> 2] & /@ a
? $\endgroup$