Since version 11 (and 12), the default font for Input/Output cells has changed. As @J.M. has commented below, the font changes are system specific:
Default font changed
- Source Code Pro on Mac
- Consolas on Windows, and
- Bitstream Vera Sans Mono on Linux
As a Mac user, I find myself frustrated by the new "Source Code Pro" font that is used for Input
and Output
cells. I find it visually most distasteful, especially for Mac users, because it resembles something I associate with PCs from the 1980s, or worse, those old DEC boxes.
But worse, after 100s of years of typography, typewriters, calculators, computers and long-standing mathematical convention, it frankly beggars belief how anyone at Wolfram could have come up with the idea of denoting 0 by a nipple (a 0 with a dot in the middle - that looks like a theta on my computer screen, and causes much confusion).
In short, I don't like it. I don't like it that much that it puts me off using version 11 altogether. So either I have to stick with 10.4, or find a way to get rid of it. I also don't like the way the new fonts impose themselves (without asking) onto pre-existing notebooks, and in our case, onto our Springer book, so that the electronic version no longer matches with the printed version.
Which brings me to my question ...
How can I get rid of the new "Source Code Pro" font in Version 11, in Input and Output cells? I am not asking how to do this at a global level, but rather for a common StyleSheet, say BookStyle.nb
, that is used by all chapters in a book.
One would think that opening the common StyleSheet, and explicitly adding the option:
FontFamily -> "Courier"
... to Input cells and Output Cells would do the trick. But, oddly, it does not.
And yet, if I take any input cell in the front-end, such as:
Integrate[crumpet, {0,1,2}]
... ShowExpression on it, and manually add, FontFamily -> "Courier"
to the end ... well, that works fine. But it is not working within the chapters StyleSheet, which leaves me perplexed.
All suggestions most appreciated. But it needs to work not just on my machine, but on the stylesheet for the book, so that the look and feel is maintained.
is new in 11 and represents a change in how formatting code is managed. One finds"CodeFont"
embedded throughout the V11 Core.nb (and nonexistent in V10). $\endgroup$.m
editor is wider than before. Less stuff fits on the screen... $\endgroup$