I have the following code in my preamble:
G = 0.01;
β = 1;
ωc = 50;
ϕ = 0;
θ = π/2;
J = 1;
η = Exp[I ϕ] Tan[θ/2];
ψ[α_, χ_] := Exp[I α]*Tan[χ/2];
integralgamma[ω_, τ_] := 4 G ω Exp[-ω/ωc] ((1 - Cos[ω τ])/ω^(2)) Coth[β ω/2]
integraldelta[ω_, τ_] := 4 G ω Exp[-ω/ωc] (Sin[ω τ] - ω τ)/ω^2
mem : δ[τ_] :=
mem = NIntegrate[
integraldelta[ω, τ], {ω, 0, Infinity},
MaxRecursion -> 15, PrecisionGoal -> 3]
mem : γ[τ_] :=
mem = NIntegrate[
integralgamma[ω, τ], {ω, 0, Infinity},
MaxRecursion -> 15, PrecisionGoal -> 3]
old[τ_] := (Abs[η]/(1 + Abs[η]^2))^(4 J) Sum[
Abs[η]^(2 m + 2 p) Binomial[2 J, J + m] Binomial[2 J, J + p] Exp[-I δ[τ] (m^2 -
p^2)] Exp[-γ[τ] (m - p)^2],
{m, -J, J, 1}, {p, -J, J, 1}];
new[α_, χ_, τ_] := (Abs[ψ[α, χ]]/(1 + Abs[ψ[α, χ]]^2))^(2 J)*(Abs[η]/(1 + Abs[η]^2))^(2 J)*
Sum[Binomial[2 J, J + m] Binomial[2 J,
J + p]*(Conjugate[ψ[α, χ]]*η)^(m)*(Conjugate[η]*ψ[α, χ])^(p)*
Exp[-I δ[τ] (m^2 - p^2)] Exp[-γ[τ] (m - p)^2],
{m, -J, J, 1}, {p, -J, J, 1}];
When I run
J1Final = Plot3D[Re[new[α, χ, 1] - old[1]], {α, 0, 2 π}, {χ, 0, π},
PlotPoints -> 20, MaxRecursion -> 0]
I get:
I try and find the global maximum, which I expect to be near 0.2.
When I run,
NMaximize[{f[α, χ, 1], 0 <= α <= 2 π, 0 <= χ <= π}, {α, χ}]
I get
{-0.0336509, {α -> 6.28319, χ -> 3.14159}}
which is clearly not expected. When I run
FindMaximum[f[α, χ, 1], {α, 2}, {χ, 2}]
I get
{0.291708, {α -> 3.14159, χ -> 1.5708}}
as expected. How could it be that NMaximize
is finding the global maximum to be less than what FindMaximum
is finding it to be?
Please help on this front. I am now confused if my subsequent analysis with the maximized values may be wrong.