I'm attempting to create a certain shape. It's essentially a rectangular prism with an array of cylinders cut out of it, and then some half shells of cylinders along the sides. My attempt is basically this:
- Create a list of these cylinders, each defined by
, then combine them into a single region withRegionUnion
. - Define the rectangular prism, also with
- Define the total region with
by including the points that are a part of the prism, but not the cylinder array - Plot this resulting region with
Here's the code for that, just plotting the cylinder array to begin:
hCub = 1.5;
W = 5;
L = 8;
CYLrad = W/20;
shellthickness = CYLrad/6;
deltah = hCub*0;
pitch = 1;
xnum = 5;
ynum = 6;
xinnercylnum = xnum - 2;
xpitch = W/(xnum - 1);
ypitch = xpitch*Sqrt[3.]/2;
Clear[x, y, z];
firstcylpos = {xpitch, ypitch, 0};
cyltable =
RegionUnion@Flatten[#, 1] &@
0 <= (x - (j - 1)*xpitch)^2 + (y - i*ypitch)^2 <= CYLrad^2 &&
0 <= (z - 0) <= hCub + deltah(*&&
x\[LessEqual]cylcenter[[1]]*), {x, y, z}], {i, 0, ynum, 1}], {j,
innercyltable =
RegionUnion@Flatten[#, 1] &@
0 <= (x - j*xpitch)^2 + (y - i*ypitch)^2 <= CYLrad^2 &&
0 <= (z - 0) <= hCub + deltah(*&&
x\[LessEqual]cylcenter[[1]]*), {x, y, z}], {i, ynum}], {j,
yzface1cylshelltable =
Table[ImplicitRegion[(CYLrad -
shellthickness)^2 <= (x - W)^2 + (y - i*ypitch)^2 <=
CYLrad^2 && 0 <= (z - 0) <= hCub + deltah && x <= W, {x, y,
z}], {i, ynum}];
yzface2cylshelltable =
Table[ImplicitRegion[(CYLrad -
shellthickness)^2 <= (x - 0)^2 + (y - i*ypitch)^2 <=
CYLrad^2 && 0 <= (z - 0) <= hCub + deltah && x >= 0, {x, y,
z}], {i, ynum}];
xzface2cylshelltable =
Table[ImplicitRegion[(CYLrad -
shellthickness)^2 <= (x - i*xpitch)^2 + (y - 0)^2 <=
CYLrad^2 && 0 <= (z - 0) <= hCub + deltah && y >= 0, {x, y,
z}], {i, xinnercylnum}];
allcylshells =
RegionUnion[yzface1cylshelltable, yzface2cylshelltable,
cub = ImplicitRegion[
0 <= x <= W && 0 <= y <= L && 0 <= z <= hCub, {x, y, z}];
cubnocyls = RegionDifference[cub, cyltable];
Timing@RegionPlot3D[{Evaluate@cubnocyls, Evaluate@innercyltable,
PlotStyle -> {{Black, Lighting -> "Neutral",
Opacity@1}, {Lighting -> "Neutral",
White}, {Lighting -> "Neutral", White}}, PlotPoints -> 20,
Boxed -> False, ImageSize -> 800]
Doing this takes about 12 second and produces:
This isn't an especially complicated structure (relatively), and it's at a much lower resolution than I'll eventually need to do (PlotPoints->20
). I cranked it up to PlotPoints->100
, it took ~11 minutes, and it still looked pretty bad.
I'm wondering if I'm just doing this in a very naive way, and there's a more efficient way to do it. Is there?