Given $d\in\mathbb{N}_0$, the Taylor series about $i/2^d$ is a polynomial of degree at most $d$ for all $i\in\mathbb{Z}$.
Let $S_d$ be the set of such Taylor series.
There exist unique polynomials $\text{pol}_0,\text{pol}_1,\ \dots\ ,\text{pol}_d$ of degree $0,1,\ \dots\ ,d$ and a function $c:\mathbb{N}\times\mathbb{R}\mapsto\{-1,0,1\}$, such that for all $x\in\mathbb{R}$, the following sum coincides with those Taylor series in $S_d$ whose point of expansion differs the least from $x$.
$$\sum_{i\ =\ 0}^d c(i, x)\ \text{pol}_i(\Lambda(2-2^{i+1}(x\bmod 2^{1-i})))$$
where $\Lambda$ is HeavisideLambda
. The choice of $c$ is unique, except when $x=i/2^{d+1}$, where $i$ is an odd integer. In that case, there are 2 choices because the nearest Taylor series is not unique.
In my approximation, I use that sum of polynomials for computing values on $[0,2)$, and self-similarity for the extension to $\mathbb{R}$ and the derivatives.
Ancient code, see update below:
Young already linked the Mathematics Stack Exchange question with my answer to this question, but I made some changes to the code. The first part which computes the values of $F(2^{-i})$ for $i=1,3,5,\dots$. I have got that to run much faster by avoiding additions of awkward rationals with huge GCDs. With help from OEIS, I found a "Mathematica-closed form" for the needed GCDs, which is much more efficient than the implicit GCD calls from addition of rationals.
Remove[d, recTable, fabs, pol, fabius, y, n, x]
d = 399; (*polynomial degree of pieces; odd values make fabius[x] continuous*)
recTable = RecurrenceTable;
SetAttributes[{MultiplicativeOrder, pol}, Listable]
fabs = With[{F = Floor[d/2] + 1}, With[{gcd = 2^(F - DigitCount[F, 2, 1]) Times @@ (
#^Quotient[F, (# - 1)/2]) &[Pick[#, # - 2 MultiplicativeOrder[4, #], 1] &[
Prime[Range[3, Max[Floor[385/213 #], 4]]]][[;; #]] &[Count[MultiplicativeOrder[
4, 2 # + 3] - #, 1] &[Range[F - 1]]]]},
Reap[Fold[Append[#, Sow[Total[#]]] &[# #2] &,
{Sow[gcd]}, With[{js = Map[# (2 # - 1) &, Range[-F, -2]],
T = recTable[{y[n + 1] == 4 y[n] + 9, y[1] == 0}, y, {n, F}]},
Table[Append[T[[i]]/js[[1 - i ;;]], 1], {i, F}]]]][[2, 1]]/FoldList[Times, 2 gcd,
recTable[{y[n + 2] == 80 y[n + 1] - 1024 y[n], y[1] == 144, y[2] == 11520}, y, {n, F}]]]];
I also changed the form of polynomials, by putting GCDs outside parentheses to avoid repetitive, extensive GCD calculations when calling fabius[x]
for different values of x
Evaluate[Table[pol[r, x_], {r, d + 2}]] = With[{F = Floor[d/2]},
With[{gcd = Prepend[Riffle[#, #2 #], 1][[;; d + 2]]}, 1/gcd
MapIndexed[If[OddQ[First[#2]], x^-1, x^-2] Fold[(# + #2) x^2 &, 0, #] &,
With[{p = Riffle[#2/2, #2, {2, d + 1, 2}], S = Join[Range[d, 1, -1], {1}],
rat = Prepend[Riffle[#2, Ratios[#]/Most[#2]], 1][[;; d + 1]]},
FoldList[rat[[#2]]/S[[-#2 ;; ;; 2]] If[OddQ[#2], Append[#/p[[#2]],
2 fabs[[(#2 + 1)/2]] gcd[[#2]]], #/p[[#2]]] &, {}, Range[d + 1]]]]] &[
Join[{1, 144}, Map[1/GCD @@ (2 fabs[[{3, # - 2, #}]]) &, Range[3, F + 1]]],
NestList[4 # &, 2, Max[1, F]]]];
The changes to the definition part is hardly significant.
(T0 = Power[-1, #[[;; Ceiling[d/2 + 1]]]]; T1 = Mod[Most[#], 2];
T2 = Power[2, #]; T3 = Power[2, Rest[#]]) &[Range[0, d + 1]];
Derivative[n_][fabius] = 2^(n (n + 1)/2) fabius[2^n #] &;
With[{prec = N[d/Log2[10] + 15], d2 = d + 2}, fabius[x_?NumericQ] :=
With[{t = SetPrecision[#, Max[Precision[#], prec]] &[Mod[x, 2]]},
With[{refs = Position[IntegerDigits[BitXor[BitShiftRight[#, 1], #] &[
FromDigits[First[RealDigits[t, 2, d2, 0]], 2]], 2, d2], 1][[All, 1]]},
(-1)^DigitCount[Floor[x, 2], 2, 1] If[
refs =!= {}, Dot[T0[[Accumulate[Prepend[T1[[Most[refs]]], 1]]]],
pol[refs, FoldList[(2 - #) #2 &, T2[[First[refs]]] t, T3[[Differences[refs]]]] - 1]], 0]]]]
There you go:
Plot[fabius[x], {x, 0, 24}, AspectRatio -> 1/12, ImageSize -> 800]
If X
is uniformly distributed on the unit interval, the expected absolute error and the maximal absolute error of fabius[X]
are both rationals. If you use p = ∞
in the following code, you obtain their exact values. All local maxima of the error equal the maximal error, so the approximation is uniform in an absolute sense.
errors = With[{p = 10}, With[{sL = 2 Last[fabs] + Dot[
Riffle[Table[pol[i + 1, N[1, p + (93 + 5 d)/28]],
{i, 1, d + 1, 2}], Most[fabs]], Reverse[
With[{q = Floor[d, 2] + 2}, FoldList[Times, 2^(-q),
Reverse[recTable[{y[n + 1] == (n - q - 1) y[n]/2/
(n - q), y[1] == -1/2/q}, y, {n, q - 1}]]]]]]},
Block[{$MaxExtraPrecision = ∞}, N[#, Precision[#]] &[
If[OddQ[d], {2^(d + 1) Last[fabs], sL}, {2^(d + 1) sL, fabs[[-2]]}]]]]]
I'm still using the sum at the top for the approximation, but some functionality is added, and now non-rational input is handled efficiently. Hence I wanted to provide this update:
The form of the polynomials is changed to:
$\ $132809 + 3825 x^2 (2332 + 63 x^2 (266 + 15 x^2 (28 + 9 x^2)))
instead of the HornerForm
$\ $132809 + x^2 (8919900 + x^2 (64099350 + x^2 (101209500 + 32531625 x^2)))
because the asymptotic memory usage for the latter was very bad. Also, only coefficients for a finitely many (memorizeDegree
) polynomial are memoized. Higher degree (maxDegree
) polynomials are used, but only one/two of them is in memory at a given time.
I added an argument such that fabius[x, p]
returns precision p
. Each polynomial is computed to the needed precision only, unless x
is rational and ByteCount[x] < 3000
. In that case it's simply faster to use rational arithmetic. Such rational input evaluates much faster: E.g. if maxDegree = 1119; memorizeDegree = 449;
then Timing[fabius[4/3, 188888];]
and Timing[fabius[E, 64888];]
are about the same.
fabius[x, ∞]
returns the exact result, if possible (i.e., if x
is dyadic with sufficiently small denominator). Otherwise, there's a warning.
The initialization part:
Remove[maxDegree, memorizeDegree, track, extraPrecision, fabius,
polPrecs, polNext, polMove, polCoefs, polEval, logSizes, maxAbsErr]
maxDegree = 999; (* Nonnegativ integer *)
memorizeDegree = 449; (* Integer greater or equal 2; At 1139 my RAM is all used;
RAM use increases quadraticly *)
extraPrecision = 4; (* Nonnegativ real *)
polNext[k_, n_] := Module[{L = k},
L[[1, All, 1]] /= Range[n - 2, 1, -2];
L[[1]] = Reap[L[[2]] *= 2^n/Fold[Function[G, Sow[#/G]; G][
GCD @@ #] &[#2 {1, #}] &, 1/n, First[L]]][[2, 1]];
If[EvenQ[n], AppendTo[L[[1]], {Fold[First[#2] + Last[#2] # &, 1/(n + 1),
Transpose[{L[[1, All, 1]]/Range[n - 1, 3, -2], L[[1, All, 2]]}]]/(2^n - 1), 1}];
(L[[1, -1]] *= #; L[[2]] *= #;) &[Denominator[L[[1, -1, 1]]]]]; L]
Dynamic[ToString[track/#] <> " %"] &[N[maxDegree/100, 3]]
polCoefs = Join[{{{}, ∞}, {{}, 1}, {{}, 2}}, FoldList[(track = #2;
polNext[#, #2]) &, {{{1, 9}}, 144}, Range[3, memorizeDegree]]];
(polMove[cur_, n_, m_] := If[# >= m, polCoefs[[m + 2]], Fold[polNext,
cur, Range[n + 1, m]]]) &[memorizeDegree]
polEval[{L_, den_}, odd_, x_] := If[den === ∞, 0, Fold[(First[#2] +
x^2 Last[#2] #) &, 1, L] If[odd, x, 1]/den]
With[{stability = Reap[Fold[With[{polNext = polMove[#, #2 - 1, #2]}, track = #2;
Sow[polEval[polNext, OddQ[#2], 1`10]]; polNext] &, {}, Range[0, maxDegree]];][[2, 1]]},
polPrecs = Join[{∞, ∞}, Rest[extraPrecision - (Accuracy /@ stability - 10)]];
maxAbsErr = SetPrecision[If[maxDegree >= 3, Times @@ Power[stability[[-4 ;;]],
{-1, 4, -6, 4}], {1/2, 5/72, 1/288}[[maxDegree + 1]]], 6];
logSizes = -Log10[stability];];
The actual function:
fabius::limit = "Maximal degree reached; Probably failed to return " <>
"the requested precision; The absolute error is at most `1`";
fabius[x_?(#1 ∈ Reals &), p_?(#1 ∈ Reals || # === ∞ &)] := Module[{refs, prec,
cac1 = {{{1, 9}}, 144}, cac2 = 3, mod = Mod[SetPrecision[x, ∞], 2],
iMax, pMax = Identity, xs, noDyadic, d2 = maxDegree + 2, sum = 0, sign,
doN = MatchQ[x, _Rational | _Integer] && ByteCount[x] < 3000},
noDyadic = If[doN && IntegerQ[#], # > maxDegree, True] &[Log2[Denominator[mod]]];
refs = Position[IntegerDigits[BitXor[BitShiftRight[#, 1], #] &[FromDigits[
First[RealDigits[mod, 2, d2, 0]], 2]], 2, d2], 1][[All, 1]];
prec = p + logSizes[[Max[Min[Ceiling[1 - Log2[Min[mod, 2 - mod]]], Length[logSizes]], 1]]];
sum = SetAccuracy[sum, prec + extraPrecision]; prec += polPrecs[[refs]];
If[refs === {} && noDyadic, Message[fabius::limit, maxAbsErr]];
If[refs === {}, sum = 0, iMax = First[FirstPosition[prec, _?Negative, {All + 1}, {1}]] - 1;
refs = refs[[;; iMax]]; prec = (prec[[;; iMax]] /. If[p =!= ∞, ∞ -> MachinePrecision, {}]);
If[Not[doN], pMax = Function[u, SetPrecision[#, u] &][Max[prec]]];
xs = FoldList[pMax[(1 - #) #2 - 1] &, pMax[Last[#] mod - 1], Most[#]] &[
BitShiftLeft[1, Append[Differences[refs], First[refs] - 1]]];
If[Not[doN], xs = MapThread[SetPrecision, {xs, prec}]];
sign = {1, -1}[[FoldList[BitXor, ThueMorse[Floor[x/2]], BitAnd[Most[refs] - 1, 1]] + 1]];
MapThread[(sum += #2 polEval[cac1 = polMove[cac1, cac2, cac2 = #], OddQ[#], #3]; 0) &,
{refs - 2, sign, xs}]; If[noDyadic && iMax === All, Message[fabius::limit, maxAbsErr]];];
(Remove[refs, prec, cac1, cac2, xs, pMax, mod, sign, sum, noDyadic, iMax, d2, doN];
If[#2 && # != 0, SetPrecision[#, Min[Log10[Abs[#]] - Log10[maxAbsErr], Precision[#]]], #]
) &[sum, noDyadic]]
I'm not sure whether I should just remove the ancient code.
SetPrecision[x, ∞]
will return a close dyadic rational approximant to an inexact numberx
. $\endgroup$