
Suppose I have a third order equation depending of one parameter say

.5 4 x (1 - x) (x - .5) - .5 m x^2

where m the parameter. Obviously there are 3 roots for each value of m but two of them may be multiple or Complex

I want to construct a graphic $(t, x^\star)$ showing for wich subset of $\mathbb{R}$ there is 3, 2 or 1 real root(s) ---and of course to plot it. I have tried many way to program this functionaly. The problem is that in presence of multiple roots Mathematica shows only two roots. For instance

l = Range[0, 2, .01];
SetAttribute[f, Listable]
f[m_] := Solve[.5 4 x (1 - x) (x - .5) - .5 m x^2 == 0, x]

If I print

 zT := Table[{l[[i]], f[i]}, {i, 1, 80}]

I can observe that the first term $\{0., \{\{x -> 0.\}, \{x -> 1.\}\}\}$ of zT returns only two values. So there is not third term as for all the other elements of zT. I know that I will be obliged to refer to the absence of the third term.

I have tried to construct Three lists as follow :

zOn := Table[{l[[i]], If[Im[f[i][[1, 1, 2]]] != 0, 0, f[i][[1, 1, 2]]]}, {i, 1, 80}]
zTw := Table[{l[[i]], If[Im[f[i][[2, 1, 2]]] != 0, 0, f[i][[2, 1, 2]]]}, {i, 1, 80}]

zTh := Table[{l[[i]], If[Im[f[i][[3, 1, 2]]] != 0, 0, f[i][[3, 1, 2]]]}, {i, 1, 80}]

because 0 is always an equilibrium. I have planned to ListLinePlot them. But unfortunately, my approach fails because the first term is compose only of two rules. I have thought to construct a second condition which would state that there doesn't exist a third term like If Im[f[i][[2, 1, 2]]] != 0 Or (A 3 term does not exist) but I don't know how to do that --- How to program the rule If part[3] of f[i] does not exist

The question is important for research reason but also because I try to forget procedural programming and use only fonctional programming.


1 Answer 1


Maybe you want something like this?:

eq = 4/2 x (1 - x) (x - 1/2) - 1/2 m x^2

sols = x /. Solve[expr == 0, x]
(* Out[2] := {0,1/8 (6-m-Sqrt[4-12 m+m^2]),1/8 (6-m+Sqrt[4-12 m+m^2])} *)

realandimaginarysolutions = Through[{Re, Im}[#]] & /@ sols
(* Out[3] := {{0,0}
             ,{1/8 (6+Re[-m-Sqrt[4-12 m+m^2]]),1/8 Im[-m-Sqrt[4-12 m+m^2]]}
             ,{1/8 (6+Re[-m+Sqrt[4-12 m+m^2]]),1/8 Im[-m+Sqrt[4-12 m+m^2]]}} *)

Plot[realandimaginarysolutions, {m, -3, 15}]

Here we generate the parametrized general (complex valued) solutions first, and extract their real and imaginary part (which are all real valued) and plot those as functions of m.

root plot


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