I am trying to implement operators of the form $$ \bar{q}_L \gamma^\mu T^A q_L \bar{q}_L \gamma_\mu T^A q_L $$ where T^A are the SU(3) generators and $q_L$ is the Electroweak SU(2) doublet.
I use the same .fr file of the Standard model, i.e. SM.fr, where I added the following operators
L81qq:=C81qq/Lambda^2 Module[{ii,jj,kk,kk1,jj1,mu,aa,cc,sp1,sp2,sp3,sp4,cc1,cc2,cc3}, (QLbar[sp1,jj,1,cc].QL[sp2,jj,1,cc2] Ga[mu,sp1,sp2]) T[aa,cc,cc2]T[aa,cc3,cc4](QLbar[sp3,jj1,1,cc3].QL[sp4,jj1,1,cc4] Ga[mu,sp3,sp4])];
where the parameters are defined as
Lambda== {
ParameterType -> External,
ParameterName -> Lambda,
BlockName -> DIM6,
InteractionOrder -> {NP,-1},
Value -> 1000,
TeX -> \[CapitalLambda],
Description -> "Scale of the new physics"}
C81qq== {
ParameterType -> External,
ParameterName -> C81qq,
BlockName -> FourFermion,
Value -> 1,
TeX -> Subsuperscript[C,qq,"(8,1)"],
Description -> "coefficient of O81qq"},
Feynrules manages to reproduce the feynman rules of this 4-fermion operator and also the FeynArts output. But, when I try to draw the diagrams via
<< HighEnergyPhysics`FeynCalc`;
Loading FeynCalc from /home/user/.Mathematica/Applications/HighEnergyPhysics
FeynCalc 8.2.0 For help, type ?FeynCalc, open FeynCalcRef8.nb or visit www.feyncalc.org
FeynArts 3.9 patched for use with FeynCalc
top = CreateTopologies[0, 2 -> 2];
diags =
InsertFields[top, {F[3, {1}], F[3, {1}]} -> {F[3, {1}], F[3, {1}]},
InsertionLevel -> {Classes}, Model -> "Standard_Model_dijets_FA",
GenericModel -> "Standard_Model_dijets_FA",
ExcludeParticles -> {V[1], V[2], V[3], S[1], V[4],
I get the error
loading generic model file /home/user/.Mathematica/Applications/HighEnergyPhysics/FeynArts/Models/Standard_Model_dijets_FA.gen
TagSetDelayed::tagnf: Tag FourVector not found in -mom_^mu_. >>
Pattern::patvar: First element in pattern Pattern[b_,_] is not a valid pattern name. >>
What is the problem?
are followed by==
instead of a single=
? $\endgroup$