Yes you can. Below is a fairly general, Mathematica-compiled, fast and robust version.
1. Michaelis-Menten kinetics
Michaelis-Menten kinetics for enzyme-directed substrate conversion. The enzyme (e
) converts the susbtrate (s
) through an enzyme-substrate complex (c
) to the product (p
). For comparison, I've included the deterministic ODE system solved by NDSolve
ClearAll[e, s, c, p, t];
reactions = {e + s -> c, c -> e + s, c -> e + p};
vars = {e, s, c, p};
rates = {1.1, .1, .8};
init = <|e -> 100, s -> 100, c -> 0, p -> 0|>;
det = NDSolveValue[{
e'[t] == .9 c[t] - 1.1 e[t] s[t],
s'[t] == .1 c[t] - 1.1 e[t] s[t],
c'[t] == 1.1 e[t] s[t] - .9 c[t],
p'[t] == .8 c[t],
e[0] == 100, s[0] == 100, c[0] == 0, p[0] == 0}, vars, {t, 0, 10}];
sto = GillespieSSA[reactions, init, rates, {0, 10}];
op = {PlotStyle -> Thick, PlotTheme -> "Scientific"};
Row@{Plot[Evaluate@Through@det@t, {t, 0, 10}, Evaluate@op,
PlotLabel -> "deterministic ODE"], Spacer@10,
Plot[Evaluate@Through@sto@t, {t, 0, 10}, Evaluate@op,
PlotLabel -> "stochastic SSA"]}
2. Lotka-Volterra predator-prey dynamics
Lotka-Volterra dynamics. I omit the conversion to continuous differential equations from now on, leaving it to the "educated reader". x -> Null
indicates that the species is removed without producing waste material (at least one that is tracked). Similarly, Null -> x
indicates a zero-order reaction where x
is generated spontaneously (or is entering from the external environment).
ClearAll[y, x];
reactions = {y -> 2 y, y + x -> 2 x, x -> Null};
vars = {y, x};
rates = {1, .005, .6};
init = <|y -> 50, x -> 100|>;
sto = GillespieSSA[reactions, init, rates, {0, 100}]
3. Circadian cycle
ClearAll[a, p, i];
reactions = {a -> 2 a, a -> a + p, p -> i, a + i -> i, i -> Null};
vars = {a, p, i};
init = <|a -> 100, p -> 100, i -> 100|>;
rates = {1, .08, .6, .01, .4};
sto = GillespieSSA[reactions, init, rates, {0, 400}];
4. Oregonator
The Oregonator is a model of the Belousov-Zhabotinsky reactions. Here I used the resolution
argument to speed up evaluation (only every 100th step is stored).
ClearAll[a, b, c];
reactions = {b -> a, a + b -> Null, a -> 2 a + c, 2 a -> Null, c -> b};
vars = {a, b, c};
init = <|a -> 1, b -> 2, c -> 3|>
rates = {2, .1, 104, .016, 26};
sto = GillespieSSA[reactions, init, rates, {0, 4, 100}];
The function accepts the following arguments:
{r1, r2, ...}, (* list of elementary reaction steps as Rules *)
<|y1 -> y1[0], y2 -> y2[0], ...|>, (* variables with initial values at t==0 *)
{c1, c2, ...}, (* reaction rate constants, for each reaction *)
<|y1 -> f1, y2 -> f2, ...|>, (* linear in/outflux for each variable;
can be left out, in which case 0 will be used*)
{mint, maxt, res} (* {start time, end time, step resolution};
resolution can be omitted, defaulting to 1 *)
It returns an InterpolatingFunction
(with InterpolationOrder -> 0
) as each variable's solution function, to comply with the result produced by NDSolve
. Initial values are taken to be the values at t == mint
. The maximal allowed step size (10^7) is hardcoded in iterations
, change it for your needs.
Note, that the Gillespie method is stochastic: it will convert continuous reaction rates into discrete-valued reaction propensities. It cannot accept reactions where stoichiometric factors are not integer numbers. Also, it gives a different realization every time it is run (if the random generator is not reseeded) due to its stochastic nature. Moreover, at small molecular/species amounts, stochastic effects could cause extinction and produce different results as in the deterministic, continuous case (NDSolve
GillespieSSA[res : {__Rule}, in_Association,
rateconst_?VectorQ, influx_Association: <||>,
{mint_?NumberQ, maxt_?NumberQ, dstep_Integer: 1}] := Module[
{vars, reactant, product, balance, propensities, initialValues,
fluxRates, symRates, rep, stepList, iterations = 10^7, step,
compiled, times, rest},
(* Pre-generating a list is much faster than iteratively calling one-by-one. *)
stepList = N@RandomVariate[ExponentialDistribution@1, iterations + 1];
{vars, initialValues} = {Keys@in, Values@in};
{reactant, product} =
Outer[Coefficient[#1, #2] &, #, vars, 1] & /@
Transpose@(List @@@ res);
balance = product - reactant;
propensities =
Inner[Binomial[#2, #1] &, reactant, vars, Times]*
PadRight[rateconst, Length@res, 1];
fluxRates = If[influx === <||>, 0 & /@ vars, vars /. influx];
rep = Thread[vars -> Table[Indexed[count, i], {i, Length@vars}]];
symRates = propensities /. rep;
compiled = ReleaseHold[
{init, _Integer, 1}, {flux, _Integer, 1}, {bal, _Integer, 2},
{dtList, _Real, 1}, {min, _Real}, {max, _Real},
{iter, _Integer}, {resol, _Integer}},
count = init, rates, i = 1, c = 1, t = min, dt, ff, f, range,
r, fReal = 0. & /@ flux, rateSum, data = Internal`Bag[]},
rates = "SymbolicRates";
rateSum = N@Total@rates;
range = Range@Length@rates;
Internal`StuffBag[data, Internal`Bag[Join[{t}, N@count]]];
While[Total@count > 0. && rateSum > 0. && t <= max && i <= iter,
dt = dtList[[i]]/rateSum;
t = t + dt;
r = RandomChoice[rates -> range];
(* Fractional part is carried over to minimize undersampling error *)
ff = (flux*dt) + fReal;
f = IntegerPart@ff;
fReal = ff - f;
(* `count` is maintained as an integer not to loose precision. *)
count = Max[0, #] & /@ (count + bal[[r]] + f);
If[Mod[i, resol] == 0, c++;
Internal`StuffBag[data, Internal`Bag[Join[{t}, N@count]]];];
rates = "SymbolicRates";
rateSum = N@Total@rates;
If[t < max && i < iter, c++;
Internal`StuffBag[data, Internal`Bag[Join[{max}, N@count]]]];
Table[Internal`BagPart[Internal`BagPart[data, j], All], {j, c}]
Parallelization -> True , RuntimeAttributes -> Listable,
RuntimeOptions -> "Speed",
CompilationOptions -> {"InlineExternalDefinitions" -> True,
"InlineCompiledFunctions" -> True}
] /. "SymbolicRates" -> symRates];
{times, rest} = {First@#, Rest@#} &@Transpose@compiled[
Round@initialValues, N@fluxRates, Round@balance,
N@stepList, N@mint, N@maxt, Round@iterations, dstep];
Interpolation[Transpose@{times, #}, InterpolationOrder -> 0] & /@ rest