topc[u_] := {(1099 E^(-1077 u/4000) (1077 Cos[u] - 4000 Sin[u]))/
89750, (12448145 + 4396 E^(-1077 u/4000) (4000 Cos[u] + 1077 Sin[u]))/359000}
botc[t_, aa_, bb_] :=
{-(aa/Sqrt[1 + bb^2]) + aa E^(bb t) Cos[t + ArcTan[bb]],
-((aa bb)/Sqrt[1 + bb^2]) + aa E^(bb t) Sin[t + ArcTan[bb]]}
targetp = {-(71171/1000), -(17884/1000)}
ParametricPlot[topc[u], {u, 0, 4*Pi},
Frame -> True, AspectRatio -> Automatic, PlotRange -> All, AxesOrigin -> {0, 0}],
ParametricPlot[botc[t, aa, bb], {t, 0, cc}],
{aa, 6, 10}, {bb, .5, .9}, {cc, 2.5, 4}]
I apologize for poor the formatting.
I have one "fixed" parametric topc
and I want to adjust the parameters of a second parametric botc
so they intersect at a single point. They are logarithmic spirals, if that helps. I'd like to generally know how to solve this for what combination of aa
and bb
can just be big), but in this particular case, I would also like the second parametric to terminate at target point targetp
. I believe it is achievable because with Manipulate I can get close (e.g., 7.81, .804, 2.66), but I would like to know how to get the exact solution.