
Say I have a string like this

  author  = {F1name L1name, F2name M2name L2name}, 
  title   = {The title of the work},
  journal = {The Journal2},
  year    = 1994,
  number  = 3,
  pages   = {204-223},
  month   = 6,
  note    = {An optional note}, 
  volume  = 2

This is how the input looks like in notebook.

"article{a2,\n author = {F1name L1name, F2name M2name L2name}, \n title \ = {The title of the work},\n journal = {The Journal2},\n year = 1994,\n \ number = 3,\n pages = {204-223},\n month = 6,\n note = {An \ optional note}, \n volume = 2\n}"

How can I store these data a variable entry like this

entry["a2"]={"a2", "article", "F1name L1name, F2name M2name L2name",
             "The title of the work","The Journal2","2","204-223","1994"}

I have to maintain the order

entry [ key] = {key, type, author, title, journal, volume, pages, year}

Why I am doing this !

As you probably recognise that I am trying to create bibliographic items from a .bib file (check this Wikipedia entry on BibTex for more details). Above is an entry you get when you run

StringSplit[Import["a.bib"], "@"][[2]]

Then I define a style

shortname[name_] := Module[{nparts},
 nparts = StringSplit[name];
 StringJoin[ ToString[StringForm["``. ", StringTake[#, 1]]] & /@ 
 nparts[[1 ;; -2]], ToString[nparts[[-1]]]]]

authornames[authors_] := Module[{n, names},
 names = shortname[#] & /@ Flatten[StringSplit[authors, ","]];
 n = Length[names];
 If[n > 1, StringJoin[ToString@StringForm["``, ", #] & /@ names[[1 ;; -2]], 
"and ", ToString[names[[-1]]]], names]]

abbvr["The Journal2"] = "T. Jour2"; (*Journal abbreviation*)

article[s_List] := StringForm["\\bibitem{``} ``, \\textit{``},
                                   `` \\textbf{``}, `` (``).", 
 authornames[s[[2]]], s[[3]], abbvr[s[[4]]], s[[5]], 
 StringSplit[s[[6]], "-"][[1]], s[[7]]]


\bibitem{a2} F. L1name, and F. M. L2name, \textit{The title of the work}, T. Jour2 \textbf{2}, 204 (1994).

and you are ready to go. It is much easier than messing with a gigantic .bst file.

  • $\begingroup$ Are there newlines (\n's) hidden in the string after every comma? $\endgroup$
    – march
    Commented Jun 28, 2016 at 15:23
  • $\begingroup$ you are right @march (did not thought about that before). I put the InputForm in my question. $\endgroup$
    – Sumit
    Commented Jun 28, 2016 at 16:37

1 Answer 1


This looks like a job for associations:

input = "article{a2,author={F1name L1name,F2name M2name,L2name},
 title={The title of the work},
 journal={The Journal2},year=1994,
 note={An optional note},volume=2}"

type = StringCases[input, 
     Shortest[StartOfString ~~ t : __ ~~ "{"] :> t][[1]]


key = StringCases[input, 
  Shortest[StartOfString ~~ __ ~~ "{"] ~~ key : Shortest[__] ~~  "," :> key][[1]]


a["a2"] = Association["type" -> type, "key" -> key]

a[key] = Append[a[key],
     input, (k : Except["," | "\n"] ..) ~~ "=" ~~ 
       v : ("{" ~~ Except["}"] .. ~~ "}") :> {k -> v}]]]~Join~
     input, (k : Except["," | "\n"] ..) ~~ "=" ~~ 
       v : NumberString :> {k -> v}]]]]



  • $\begingroup$ Thanks george. Actually I missed \n in my question (@march pointed out that). Could you modify your answer for that :). I put the InputForm of the entry in my question. $\endgroup$
    – Sumit
    Commented Jun 28, 2016 at 16:43
  • $\begingroup$ I think the way i did it, it should not care if you have embedded newlines or not. $\endgroup$
    – george2079
    Commented Jun 28, 2016 at 16:53

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