
I am going to use Nintegrate to integrate the result of NDsolve and also a Table. How I can do this? My code is:


yy = 10^-4;
rr = 0.999;
xx = 10^-15;
zz = 10^-4;
mm = 10^-4;

ic = -17.5

s = NDSolve[{D[y[t], 
     t] == (3 y[t])/5 - (12 m[t]^2 y[t])/5 + (2 r[t] y[t])/
      5 - (6 x[t]^2 y[t])/5 + (3 y[t]^2)/5 + (7 y[t] z[t])/
      5 - (y[t] z[t]^2)/10, 
   D[r[t], t] == -((2 r[t])/5) - (12 m[t]^2 r[t])/5 + (2 r[t]^2)/
      5 - (6 r[t] x[t]^2)/5 + (3 r[t] y[t])/5 + (7 r[t] z[t])/
      5 - (r[t] z[t]^2)/10, 
   D[x[t], t] == (9 x[t])/5 - (6 m[t]^2 x[t])/5 + (r[t] x[t])/
      5 - (3 x[t]^3)/5 + (3 x[t] y[t])/10 + (x[t] z[t])/
      5 - (x[t] z[t]^2)/20, 
   D[z[t], t] == 
    12/5 + (12 m[t]^2)/5 - (12 r[t])/5 - (24 x[t]^2)/5 - (18 y[t])/
      5 - (18 z[t])/5 - (6 m[t]^2 z[t])/5 + (r[t] z[t])/
      5 - (3 x[t]^2 z[t])/5 + (3 y[t] z[t])/10 + (13 z[t]^2)/10 - 
   D[m[t], t] == -2 Sqrt[3] - (6 m[t])/5 - 
     2 Sqrt[3] m[t]^2 - (6 m[t]^3)/5 + 
     2 Sqrt[3] r[t] + (m[t] r[t])/5 + 
     2 Sqrt[3] x[t]^2 - (3 m[t] x[t]^2)/5 + 
     2 Sqrt[3] y[t] + (3 m[t] y[t])/10 + 
     2 Sqrt[3] z[t] + (6 m[t] z[t])/5 - 
     z[t]^2/(4 Sqrt[3]) - (m[t] z[t]^2)/20, x[ic] == xx, y[ic] == yy, 
   m[ic] == mm, z[ic] == zz, r[ic] == rr}, {x, y, z, m, r}, {t, ic, 

I use the result to find

H = Table[
  Exp[NIntegrate[z[t]/5 +  (z[t]^2)/20 /. 
     First@s, {t, 0, i}]], {i, -17.5, 10, 0.2}]

Now I am going to compute:

NIntegrate[Exp[-t] x[t]^2 (H)^-1 , {t, 0, -7}] 

but this does not work. In fact I dont know how to call H and x[t] together?

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Sara, it doesn't make much sense to me to multiply your integrand by a table of numbers. Can you show us what mathematical expression yo are trying to reproduce? $\endgroup$
    – MarcoB
    Commented Jun 21, 2016 at 13:18
  • $\begingroup$ Did you forget a /. First@s in your last NIntegrate? Is H supposed to represent the interpolation of the table? $\endgroup$
    – Michael E2
    Commented Jun 21, 2016 at 13:19
  • $\begingroup$ @MarcoB, In fact, this is a physical expression and I compute different parts with mathematica. The last step is integrating these quantities which originate from different parts. In other words, I dont know how to first, behave H as a function to be integrated beside x[t] and second how to gather H and x[t] with the analytical function Exp[t]. $\endgroup$
    – sara
    Commented Jun 21, 2016 at 14:06
  • $\begingroup$ @MichaelE2, because of the existence of H, using /. First@s does not work. In fact I tried different type of writing my purpose and I couldn`t get result. $\endgroup$
    – sara
    Commented Jun 21, 2016 at 14:09
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ @MichaelE2, It seems I was not specific enough, sorry, I want to first make a function out of H then integrate the expression so that the result is a number. $\endgroup$
    – sara
    Commented Jun 21, 2016 at 15:37

1 Answer 1


I think this gives what you want: We construct the integral inside the definition of H by adding another ODE to the NDSolve system, which I called logH. This in fact calculates the integral from ic, not from 0. So to define H we need to subtract logH[0] from logH[t] before exponentiating. This should be a much more accurate (and faster) way of computing H than interpolating a table.

ClearAll[x, y, z, m, r, logH, t];

yy = 10^-4;
rr = 0.999;
xx = 10^-15;
zz = 10^-4;
mm = 10^-4;

ic = -17.5;

s = NDSolve[{D[y[t], 
      t] == (3 y[t])/5 - (12 m[t]^2 y[t])/5 + (2 r[t] y[t])/
       5 - (6 x[t]^2 y[t])/5 + (3 y[t]^2)/5 + (7 y[t] z[t])/
       5 - (y[t] z[t]^2)/10, 
    D[r[t], t] == -((2 r[t])/5) - (12 m[t]^2 r[t])/5 + (2 r[t]^2)/
       5 - (6 r[t] x[t]^2)/5 + (3 r[t] y[t])/5 + (7 r[t] z[t])/
       5 - (r[t] z[t]^2)/10, 
    D[x[t], t] == (9 x[t])/5 - (6 m[t]^2 x[t])/5 + (r[t] x[t])/
       5 - (3 x[t]^3)/5 + (3 x[t] y[t])/10 + (x[t] z[t])/
       5 - (x[t] z[t]^2)/20, 
    D[z[t], t] == 
     12/5 + (12 m[t]^2)/5 - (12 r[t])/5 - (24 x[t]^2)/5 - (18 y[t])/
       5 - (18 z[t])/5 - (6 m[t]^2 z[t])/5 + (r[t] z[t])/
       5 - (3 x[t]^2 z[t])/5 + (3 y[t] z[t])/10 + (13 z[t]^2)/10 - 
    D[m[t], t] == -2 Sqrt[3] - (6 m[t])/5 - 
      2 Sqrt[3] m[t]^2 - (6 m[t]^3)/5 + 
      2 Sqrt[3] r[t] + (m[t] r[t])/5 + 
      2 Sqrt[3] x[t]^2 - (3 m[t] x[t]^2)/5 + 
      2 Sqrt[3] y[t] + (3 m[t] y[t])/10 + 
      2 Sqrt[3] z[t] + (6 m[t] z[t])/5 - 
      z[t]^2/(4 Sqrt[3]) - (m[t] z[t]^2)/20, x[ic] == xx, y[ic] == yy,
     m[ic] == mm, z[ic] == zz, r[ic] == rr,
    (* add this line *)
    logH'[t] == z[t]/5 + (z[t]^2)/20, logH[ic] == 0
   {x, y, z, m, r, logH}, {t, ic, 10}];

Now construct H from logH.

With[{logH = logH /. First@s},
  H[t_] := Exp[logH[t] - logH[0]]];


Mathematica graphics

We can see an image of the plot of logH inside the InterpolatingFunction in the image above.

Finally, here is the integral:

 Evaluate[Exp[-t] x[t]^2 (H[t])^-1 /. First@s],
 {t, 0, -7}]
(*  -2.25183  *)
  • $\begingroup$ That`s precious. Thank you.. @Michael E2 $\endgroup$
    – sara
    Commented Jun 22, 2016 at 6:22

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