I just want to see dynamic evaluation inside manipulate. I have long equations inside manipulate. And want to see dynamically my listplot. I make simple example. But i see only dynamic controls, but not results of equations.
Manipulate[{Dynamic@x, Dynamic@y},
Grid[{{Control[{{x, 0, "x="}, 0, 1, .01}]}, {Button[
Text["Run"], {y = 0; f[]}, ImageSize -> 100,
Method -> "Queued"]}, {Dynamic[
ProgressIndicator[y, {0, 1}, ImageSize -> 100]]}, {Dynamic[
Text@Row[{Style[y*100, 11], Style["%", 11]}]]}},
Spacings -> {0, .3}], {{y, 0}, None},
TrackedSymbols :> {x},(*does nothing,just for testing*)
SynchronousUpdating -> False, SynchronousInitialization -> False,
Initialization :> (f[] :=
Do[Pause[.15]; y = i;
x = i, {i, 0, 1, .01}] (*Pause[] to slow it down*)])]
How can i see dynamicaly updating {x, y} or listplot inside of manipulate body? Thx.
because there is a bug which makesDynamic[y]
less sensitive than it should be. $\endgroup$Dynamic@{x, y}
or{Dynamic[x, TrackedSymbols :> {x}], Dynamic[y, TrackedSymbols :> {y}]}
instead of{Dynamic@x, Dynamic@y}
does update as expected. $\endgroup$