Is the implementation of the classifier or method wrong or are these
results ok?
We cannot conclude from the posted table of classification accuracy results that "the classifier or method is wrong". I can come up with at least several explanations. (And it would be nice if data is provided.)
The simplest explanation is that none of your variables is decisive for the class labels in your data. Below is an example.
Example of no accuracy change
Consider the following steps:
- Take the Titanic data.
- Remove the variables "passenger class" and "passenger sex".
- Build and a measure the accuracy of classifiers with training data samples with different sizes.
Here is the code for these steps:
testSetName = "Titanic";
trainingSet =
ExampleData[{"MachineLearning", testSetName}, "TrainingData"];
testSet = ExampleData[{"MachineLearning", testSetName}, "TestData"];
trainingSet2 = trainingSet;
trainingSet2[[All, 1]] = trainingSet2[[All, 1]][[All, {2}]];
testSet2 = testSet;
testSet2[[All, 1]] = testSet2[[All, 1]][[All, {2}]];
clRes = Table[(
clFunc2 =
Classify[RandomSample[trainingSet2, n],
Method -> "RandomForest"];
cm2 = ClassifierMeasurements[clFunc2, testSet2]; {n,
cm2["Accuracy"]}), {n, {5, 20, 50, 100, 200, 300, 400}}];
TableForm[clRes, TableHeadings -> {None, {"Sample size", "Accuracy"}}]

We can explain the classification results by looking at the histograms of the age distributions wishing the class labels:
asPairs =
Map[Flatten@Apply[List, #] &, trainingSet2], {___, _Missing, ___}];
Histogram[#[[All, 1]], 20, "Probability"] & /@ GroupBy[asPairs, Last]

We can see that the histograms are too much alike, hence "passenger age" is not a decisive variable.
Importance of variables investigation
If we apply the procedure described in my answer of "How can I determine the importance of variables from Classify?" we can see that
"passenger age" has no decisiveness on the classification (and "passenger sex" is quite decisive):