I'm trying to plot a bifurcation map for a Lorenz System. I have a function (called estables
in the code that follows) which, for a certain value r, returns the list of stationary points for the system with that parameter r.
Then I do this:
r0 = 0;
rf = 10;
dr = 0.5;
ys = Table[estables[ra], {ra, r0, rf, dr}]
ListPlot[ Flatten[ys, {2}], PlotRange -> All , DataRange -> {r0, rf},
PlotStyle -> {Blue, PointSize[Small]}, Joined -> False ]
And I get a weird thing where the points are plotted out of order. That is, the points in the first line are not the ones plotted above the 0, as it should be.
What would be the best way to achieve this?
Edit: This are the differential equations:
ecf = σ (p[t] - f[t]);
ecp = -p[t] + d[t] f[t];
ecd = b (r - d[t] - f[t] p[t]);
and this is the function
t0 = 100;
tf = 105;
dt = 0.05;
estables[ra_] :=
Module[{par, solnum, fs},
par = {σ -> 3., b -> 1, r -> ra};
solnum =
NDSolve[{Derivative[1][f][t] == ecf,
Derivative[1][p][t] == ecp,
Derivative[1][d][t] == ecd,
f[0] == 0.00001, p[0] == 0.,
d[0] == 1} /. par,
{f, p, d}, {t, t0, tf},
MaxSteps -> 100000
fs = Flatten[Table[Evaluate[f[t] /. solnum], {t, t0, tf, dt}]];
Union[FindPeaks[fs], -FindPeaks[-fs]]][[;; , 2]]
would certainly help us to help you. $\endgroup$t0
, anddt
? $\endgroup$WhenEvent[]
instead to capture the points wheref'[t] == 0
? $\endgroup$f'[t] ==0
? $\endgroup$