
I wish to display multiple lines of text as output from CloudDeploy FormFunction.

I have tried using a string containing \n with no luck. Using Column works to some degree but I cannot create empty lines and cannot left align the text. It is always centered.

        {"x" -> "String", "y" -> "String"}, 
        Column[{#x, "",#y}] &

I have tried using the solution from FilePrint doesn't print file when running on Wolfram Programming Cloud

However this did not work(no line breaks in output)

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    – Michael E2
    Commented May 18, 2016 at 18:03

3 Answers 3


Yes, it seems Column and Row are still broken (How to add a Style string or Hyperlink in CloudDeploy?). Let's use Spacer to create space.

Also Grid seems to respect Alignment option:

      {"x" -> "String", "y" -> "String"}, 
      Grid[List /@ {#x, Spacer[1], #y, #y, #y}, Alignment -> Left] &

enter image description here


In general you can exert quite a bit of control over the results by using an XMLTemplate. For example:

"<!DOCTYPE html>
    table {

    th, td {
      padding: 8px;
      border: 1px solid black;
      text-align: right;

   <* Column[{#x,#y}] *>

It's worthwhile to check TemplateExpression (which appears in the template as <*expr*>). If you need more spacings, use the CSS styling to do so (probably padding).

 FormFunction[{"x" -> "String", "y" -> "String"}, 
  XMLTemplate[hoverGrid][##] &, "HTML"], "testLines", 
 Permissions -> "Public"]

here is the result:

Mathematica graphics


To display multiple lines in a browser insert a <br> tag between each line:

   FormFunction[{"x" -> "String", "y" -> "String"}, #x <> "<br>" <> #y & ], 
   FileNameJoin[{$CloudRootDirectory, "TwoLineTextOutput"}]]

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