I have so many *.nb
files in a folder. In one of them I have written a phrase, unfortunately I cannot remember that file. I am searching about it and the file in which I have written. Is there any way to search to Find
a proposed phrase or word? I have used Find
but it just work in an opened file not all files in the folder!
5 Answers
Here is a way to search from within mathematica:
notebooks = Quiet@FileNames["*.nb", NotebookDirectory[], 2];
StringJoin@Select[ StringSplit[Import[nb, "Plaintext"], "\n"] ,
((If[#, Print["match on:", nb]]; #) &@
StringMatchQ[#, "*NIntegrate*"]) &, 5]},
{nb,notebooks}], #[[2]] != "" &], {nb}] // Grid[#, Alignment -> {Left, Top}, Dividers -> All] &
This is painfully slow, but it does just search and show only the plain text of the notebook.
$\begingroup$ Neat (+1). When I tried your code the results look better with
than withMatrixForm
so I changed your answer... $\endgroup$ Commented May 17, 2016 at 21:19 -
$\begingroup$ Unfortunately NBImport.exe (which actually imports NB files under the hood) returns
when trying to import a NB file with non-ASCII file path. $\endgroup$ Commented May 18, 2016 at 3:19 -
1$\begingroup$ @AlexeyPopkov good point. worth noting also the failure can be "silent" in the above code (It returns the string
but does not actually generate an error ). I ran the above on my entire system and only got faied on 2 notebooks that also report errors simply opening in the front end (But I don't use non-ascii paths) $\endgroup$ Commented May 19, 2016 at 16:27 -
$\begingroup$ An alternative to
Import[nb, "Plaintext"]
is new in 10.1NotebookImport[nb, _ -> "Text"]
. $\endgroup$ Commented Mar 21, 2017 at 20:26
A couple of additional solutions. The first, with FindList
, is probably the simplest and quickest.
Using FindList
searchDir = "<NB dir>";
fnames = FileNames["*.nb", searchDir, 2];
sres = {#, FindList[#, {"curve"}, WordSearch -> False]} & /@ fnames;
sres = Select[sres, Length[#[[2]]] > 0 &];
Grid[sres, Dividers -> All, Alignment -> {Left, Top}]
See the options of FindList
Using CreateSearchIndex
searchDir = "<NB dir>";
index = CreateSearchIndex[searchDir]
sobjs = TextSearch[index, {"curve", "regression"}]
sres = MapThread[{#1,
StringCases[#2, "curve" ~~ (Except["\n"] ...) ~~ "regression",
IgnoreCase -> True]} &,
{Through[sobjs["Location"]], Through[sobjs["Plaintext"]]}];
Grid[sres, Dividers -> All, Alignment -> {Left, Top}]
See the signature of TextSearch
-- it allows complicated "and", "or", "except" searches.
This solution seems to be fairly slow.
Note: the following method isn't robust. See this answer of mine for a robust solution.
Here is an approach which does not rely on the NBImport.exe (which actually performs importing of the NB files as "Plaintext"
under the hood) and performs all the operations in the Kernel only. Currently NBImport.exe contains a bug due to which it returns $Failed
when have to import a NB file with non-ASCII file path.
The weak side of the following method is that it relies upon the ability of MakeExpression
to convert a low-level Notebook
expression into the high-level DocumentNotebook
what it doesn't always able to do even for correct NB files (and this ability is not guaranteed by the developers in general). This conversion is necessary because ToString
doesn't accept raw boxes as the low-level representation of a WL expression (even wrapping the raw boxes by RawBoxes
is simply ignored).
The simple function presented below currently fails in many situations but demonstrates the idea.
Here is a function which Get
s the contents of a NB file as Notebook
expression, then extracts all the Cell
s as the actual WL expressions wrapped by HoldComplete
, converts them into strings and checks whether they contain specified string pattern or not:
findInNBFile[NBFilePath_String, stringPattern_] :=
Module[{expr = MakeExpression[Get[NBFilePath], StandardForm], cellExprPos, foundPos},
cellExprPos = Replace[Position[expr, ExpressionCell | TextCell], 0 -> 1, {2}];
foundPos =
StringTake[ToString /@ Extract[expr, cellExprPos, HoldComplete], {14, -2}],
stringPattern], False];
If[foundPos =!= {},
Grid[Join[{{Row[{"Found \"", stringPattern, "\" in file \"", NBFilePath, "\""}],
SpanFromLeft}, {"Cell #", "The Cell"}},
Transpose[{foundPos, Extract[expr, Most /@ cellExprPos[[foundPos]], HoldForm]}]],
Frame -> All], {NBFilePath, False}]
It can be used as follows:
findInNBFile["ExampleData/document.nb", "abcde"]
Here is a solution written in the spirit of the answer by george2079 but NOT relying upon the buggy NBImport.exe executable. Instead it uses FrontEnd for converting Notebooks into plain text using the findings described here:
findInNBFile::cntconv = "Failed to extract plain text from `1`";
findInNBFile[NBFilePath_String, stringPattern_, resPerFile_Integer: 5] :=
Module[{NB, NBText, NBlines, matches},
NB = Get[NBFilePath];
NB = Notebook[First@NB,
Join[FilterRules[List @@ Rest[NB],
Except[DynamicUpdating | NotebookDynamicExpression]], {DynamicUpdating -> False,
NotebookDynamicExpression -> Null}]];
NBText = FrontEndExecute[FrontEnd`ExportPacket[NB, "PlainText"]];
If[TrueQ[Head[NBText] === List && Head[First@NBText] === String],
NBlines = StringSplit[First@NBText, "\n"];
matches = Flatten@Position[StringMatchQ[NBlines, stringPattern], True];
If[matches =!= {}, Print[Length[matches], " matches on: ", NBFilePath]];
{NBFilePath, Length[matches],
If[Length[matches] > resPerFile, NBlines[[Take[matches, resPerFile]]],
Message[findInNBFile::cntconv, NBFilePath];
{NBFilePath, $Failed,}]
For example, let us find all Tutorials containing the word NIntegrate
. Listing of the all Tutorials:
notebooks =
FileNameJoin[{$InstallationDirectory, "Documentation", "English", "System",
Total[FileByteCount /@ notebooks]/1024.^2
715 215.841
Searching (I won't post here the output except to the timings):
startTime = AbsoluteTime[];
Monitor[Select[Table[findInNBFile[nb, "*NIntegrate*"], {nb, notebooks}],
TrueQ[#[[2]] > 0] &], {nb}] //
Grid[#, Alignment -> {Left, Top}, Dividers -> All] &
DateString[AbsoluteTime[] - startTime, {"Hour", ":", "Minute", ":", "Second"}]
We have successfully processed 715 Notebooks of total size 215 Mb in 8 minutes. Not so bad...
Note that the above function extracts text also from textual elements inside of output, even from the saved (cached) versions of Dynamic
expressions. For example in the "Views.nb" Tutorial Notebook the word "Afghanistan" is present only inside of the cached Dynamic
output for the second example under the "SlideView" section. Let us try to find it:
FileNameJoin[{$InstallationDirectory, "Documentation", "English", "System",
"Tutorials", "Views.nb"}], "*Afghanistan*"]
2 matches on: C:\Program Files\Wolfram Research\Mathematica\10.4\Documentation\English\System\Tutorials\Views.nb
{"C:\\Program Files\\Wolfram Research\\Mathematica\\10.4\\Documentation\\English\\System\\Tutorials\\Views.nb", 2, "BoxData[Afghanistan] BoxData[Afghanistan] "}
A Unix style text search works best for me. The following search is a timed search over all the .nb files on a 2017 iMac 4GHz Quad Core i7 with 32 GB. The timed find / grep command is:
find . -name \*.nb -exec grep -iH nintegrate {} \; 71.11s user 3.30s system 97% cpu 1:16.48 total
1:16 wall clock time. The files searched were in a multiple directory structure with 2.9 GBytes of files over 1949 .nb files. The directory tree had 1974 subdirectories.
The Mathematica code above that starts with "notebooks = Quiet" required 3:52 wall clock time (mm:ss) or about 3 times slower.
-- they exactly for the use case you have. $\endgroup$grep pattern *.nb
in the terminal, in case you are in a unix machine. $\endgroup$