The appearance of the following ElementMesh
is bad as you can see for example on the inside surface of the shell. The same problem happens converting to a MeshRegion
(conversion does not warn about problems).
em = Import[
em["Wireframe"["MeshElement" -> "MeshElements",
"ElementMeshDirective" ->
Directive[Specularity[.2], EdgeForm@[email protected],
FaceForm@[email protected]],
Lighting -> {{"Ambient", GrayLevel[0.45]}, {"Directional",
GrayLevel[0.3], ImageScaled[{2, 0, 2}]}, {"Directional",
GrayLevel[0.33], ImageScaled[{2, 2, 2}]}, {"Directional",
GrayLevel[0.3], ImageScaled[{0, 2, 2}]}}]]
I don't understand if this is just a rendering problem or there is also a problem in the underlying mesh.
I have built this mesh by myself. As I stated in another question the vertices of the QuadElement
are not exactly coplanar, and I don't know how to adjust the coordinates so that they eventually become coplanar.
I noticed some strange behavior using this mesh to solve a PDE with FEM: this can be another clue of some problem with the mesh.
To summarize I want to try to understand
- if the visualization problem is caused by some problem with the mesh construction
- if the problem is related with the non-exactly-planar faces, if there is some way to adjust
Any idea on how to proceed? Thanks
After more investigation, and thanks to @user21, I discovered that the problem of the failed ToBoundaryMesh
roundtrip is probably related to the fact that the mesh uploaded and shown here is no a "complete" spherical shell (this is what I want for a figure to illustrate the process of mesh creation).
The mesh I use as a domain for my PDE is a complete spherical shell, so this should not be the reason why I get strange result when solving over this mesh.
I made another simpler mesh with the same algorith, starting with just 1 face of the cubed sphere (i.e. to get 1/6 of the spherical shell), and with a coarse grid.
mesh = Import[
I also made a function to extract only part of this mesh.
ElementMeshExtract[mesh_, mkform : {memkform_, bemkform_, pemkform_},
idform : {meidform_, beidform_, peidform_}] :=
elems = MapThread[
Cases[#1, type_[el_, mk_] :> With[{sel = MatchQ[#2] /@ mk},
If[! Or @@ sel, Nothing, type[Pick[el, sel], Pick[mk, sel]]]]
, {1}] &, {mesh /@ {"MeshElements", "BoundaryElements",
"PointElements"}, mkform}];
elems = MapThread[
type_[el_, mk_] :> With[{sel = MatchQ[#2] /@ Range@Length@el},
If[! Or @@ sel, Nothing, type[Pick[el, sel], Pick[mk, sel]]]]
, {1}] &, {elems, idform}];
incidents = Union@Flatten@DeleteCases[elems, {}][[All, 1, 1]];
assoc = AssociationThread[incidents, Range@Length@incidents];
elems[[All, All, 1]] =
Map[Lookup[assoc, #] &, elems[[All, All, 1]], {-2}];
"Coordinates" -> mesh["Coordinates"][[Keys@assoc]],
"MeshElements" -> elems[[1]],
"BoundaryElements" -> elems[[2]],
"PointElements" -> elems[[3]]
ElementMeshExtract[mesh_, mkform : {_, _, _}, idform_] :=
ElementMeshExtract[mesh, mkform, {idform, idform, idform}]
ElementMeshExtract[mesh_, mkform_, idform : {_, _, _}] :=
ElementMeshExtract[mesh, {mkform, mkform, mkform}, idform]
ElementMeshExtract[mesh_, mkform_, idform_] :=
mesh, {mkform, mkform, mkform}, {idform, idform, idform}]
ElementMeshExtract[mesh_, mkform_] :=
ElementMeshExtract[mesh, mkform, _]
Putting all together in a Manipulate
I still cannot find anything wrong with that mesh that could explain the bad rendering or the strange results od NDSolve
lmesh =
mesh, {Alternatives @@ Range@layers, Except@_, Except@_}];
lc = Total[Length@*First /@ lmesh["MeshElements"]];
pmesh =
ElementMeshExtract[lmesh, _, {i_ /; 1 <= i <= progress, _, _}];
MeshRegion[pmesh, Method -> {"CoplanarityTolerance" -> -100}],
ImageSize -> Medium, PlotRange -> lmesh["Bounds"],
Method -> {"ShrinkWrap" -> False}],
BarOrigin -> Left, BarSpacing -> $MachineEpsilon,
PlotLabel -> "Quality", AspectRatio -> 1/4,
PlotRange -> {{0.5, 1}, Automatic},
Frame -> {{False, False}, {True, True}},
GridLines -> {Automatic, None},
ImageSize -> Small]
}, Center]
{{lmesh, lmesh}, None}, {{pmesh, pmesh}, None}, {{lc, lc}, None},
{{layers, 2}, 1, 5, 1,
Appearance -> "Labeled"}, {{progress, Floor[lc/2]}, 1, lc, 1,
Appearance -> "Labeled"},
ControlPlacement -> Bottom
. $\endgroup$Min[em["Quality"]]
seems fine. $\endgroup$bmesh = ToBoundaryMesh[em]; ToElementMesh[bmesh]
as it fails to generate a tetrahedralized mesh. $\endgroup$