One strength of InterpolatingFunction
s is that they can be used just about like any other function. Thus, a more or less analytic approach may be possible. It's hard to say for sure, without seeing your example, but here's a contrived example.
pts1 = Table[{x, y, Sin[x] + Cos[y + 1]},
{x,-10,10}, {y,-10,10}];
f1 = Interpolation[Flatten[pts1, 1]];
pts2 = Table[{x, y, x^2 + y^2 + x + 2 y + 1},
{x,-10,10}, {y,-10,10}];
f2 = Interpolation[Flatten[pts2, 1]];
NMinimize[f2[x, y] - f1[x, y], {x, y}]
Here's an example that is, perhaps, more in line with your problem. We start with two periodically perturbed spheres - one centered at the origin and one shifted along the y-axis.
pts1 = Flatten[Table[{{p, t}, (1 + 0.1 Sin[6t]Sin[5p])*
{Sin[p] Cos[t], Sin[p] Sin[t], Cos[p]}},
{p, 0, Pi, Pi/12}, {t, 0, 2 Pi, Pi/12}], 1];
pts2 = pts1 /. {x_,y_,z_} -> {x,y+0.75,z};
We can interpolate these points and then plot the surfaces parametrically.
f1 = Interpolation[pts1];
f2 = Interpolation[pts2];
surfaces = ParametricPlot3D[{f1[p, t], f2[p, t]},
{p, 0, Pi}, {t, 0, 2 Pi}, MeshStyle -> None,
PlotStyle -> {
Directive[Yellow, Specularity[White, 40]],
Directive[Red, Specularity[White, 40]]},
ViewPoint -> {-3, -0.7, 1}]
The question is, where do these two surfaces intersect? The answer is provided by the equation f1[p1,t1]==f2[p2,t2]. Since f1 and f2 are both three dimensional vectors, this represents three equations in four unknowns. We can reduce the number of variables by fixing one and solving for the other three. For example, here is a point that lies on both perturbed spheres and at angle of Pi/4 from the positive z-axis.
Clear[t1, t2, p2];
{t1, t2, p2} = {t1, t2, p2} /. FindRoot[f1[Pi/4, t1] == f2[p2, t2],
{t1, 2.7, 2.8}, {t2, 3.5, 3.6}, {p2, Pi/4, Pi/4 + 0.1}];
{f1[Pi/4, t1], f2[p2, t2]}
Let's parametrize this process in terms of p1.
Clear[t1, t2, p2];
results = Table[{{p1, t1}, {p2, t2}} /.
FindRoot[f1[p1, t1] == f2[p2, t2],
{t1, 2.7, 2.8}, {t2, 3.5, 3.6},
{p2, p1, p1 + 0.1}], {p1, 0.5, 2.6, 0.1}]; // Quiet
We've suppressed some errors so let's check the results.
test[{pt1_, pt2_}] := Norm[f1 @@ pt1 - f2 @@ pt2];
{#, test[#]} & /@ results
Looks pretty good. Now, with these points, we can parametrize the intersection using an Interpolation, just as we parametrized the surfaces.
intersection = {#[[1]], f1 @@ #} & /@ First /@ results;
p = Interpolation[intersection]
Here's a visualization of the result.
intersectionPic = ParametricPlot3D[p[t], {t, 0.5, 2.8},
PlotStyle -> Directive[Thickness[0.02], Black]];
Show[{surfaces, intersectionPic}]