I have no idea how robust the following code is. The idea is to search for singular points and then write f as a polynomial times whatever singularities we found. The degree of the polynomial is bounded by looking at the behaviour at infinity. I've included a last step which checks that the function is a solution, to avoid returning too much junk in case the differential equation did not have a rational solution.
First a tool to solve iteratively a system in which the first equation fixes the first variable, the first two fix the first two etc.
specialsolve::toomanyvars = "Extra vars `1`. Rules found: `2`.";
specialsolve[eqs_List, {}, rules_List] :=
If[And @@ (eqs /.
rules), {rules}, {}, {}]; (*Returns a set of solutions.*)
specialsolve[{}, vars_List, rules_List] :=
Message[specialsolve::toomanyvars, vars, rules];
specialsolve[eqs_List, vars_List, rules_List] :=
Join @@
Map[specialsolve[Rest[eqs], Rest[vars], Join[rules, #]] &,
Solve[eqs[[1]] /. rules, vars[[1]]]];
Next, the horrible code.
rationalDSolve[eq_] :=
Module[{terms, coefs, powers, specialas, valuesofbforgenerica,
valuesofbforspecialas, valuesofbanda, valuesint,
inversedenominator, powersnearinfinity, maxpower, coefseqs,
(*Use a toy Ansatz of f[x]=c(x-a)^
b to find behaviour near some point x\[Equal]a.*)
terms =
Expand[eq /. f :> (c (# - a)^b &) /. x :> y + a] /.
HoldPattern[Plus[t___] | t___] :> {t};
coefs = Replace[terms, {p_. y^(q_: 1) :> {q, p}, p_ :> {0, p}}, {1}];
powers = List @@ Simplify[Min[coefs[[All, 1]]]];
(*We've found the list of posisble leading powers of y=(x-
a) for generic a (which one in this list is really the leading \
power depends on b.
Determine values of a for which the coefficient of one of these \
powers vanishes.*)
specialas =
Flatten[Map[Solve[Coefficient[Plus @@ terms, y, #] == 0, a] &,
(*For generic a,
values of b for which two terms turn out to have the same power are \
candidates for cancellations. TODO:
check that the resulting power is indeed the minimum,
otherwise these solutions are useless (but not harmful).*)
valuesofbforgenerica =
Flatten[Map[Solve[Equal @@ #, b] &, Subsets[powers, {2}]], {1, 2}];
(*For special a, same story.
There is probably a more efficient way of doing all that.*)
valuesofbforspecialas = Flatten[
specialas /. (a -> val_) :>
With[{terms =
Expand[eq /. f :> (c (# - val)^b &) /. x :> y + val] /.
HoldPattern[Plus[t___] | t___] :> {t}},
With[{coefs =
Replace[terms, {p_. y^(q_: 1) :> {q, p},
p_ :> {0, p}}, {1}]},
With[{powers = List @@ Simplify[Min[coefs[[All, 1]]]]},
Map[Solve[{a == val, Equal @@ #}, {a, b}] &,
Subsets[powers, {2}]], {1, 2}]]]], {1, 2}];
(*List of lists of rules {...,{a\[Rule]-1,b\[Rule]3/2},{a\[Rule]-I,
b\[Rule]3/2},...} for possible leading behaviours.*)
valuesofbanda = Join[valuesofbforgenerica, valuesofbforspecialas];
(*Let's focus on solutions that are rational functions,
so only integer b. Also we only care about singularities so b<0.*)
valuesint =
Cases[valuesofbanda, {___, b -> n_Integer?Negative, ___}];
inversedenominator = Product[(x - a)^b /. vals, {vals, valuesint}];
(*Powers near x\[Rule]Infinity.
Now the dominant power is the Max.
Directly solve for b integer (we assume rational functions).
We care about the maximum possible exponent so take Max afterwards \
powersnearinfinity = List @@ Simplify[Max[coefs[[All, 1]]]];
maxpower =
Max[b /.
Flatten[Map[Solve[Equal @@ #, b, Integers] &,
Subsets[powersnearinfinity, {2}]], {1, 2}]] +
Sum[-b /. val, {val, valuesint}];
coefseqs =
Map[# == 0 &,
eq /. f :> (Sum[
a[i] #^i, {i, 0, maxpower}] inversedenominator /.
x -> # &), x]];
solutions =
inversedenominator Sum[a[i] x^i, {i, 0, maxpower}] /.
specialsolve[coefseqs, Table[a[i], {i, 0, maxpower}], {}];
sol_ /; FullSimplify[0 == eq /. f :> (sol /. x -> # &)]]]
Let's test.
In[86]:= rationalDSolve[961 x^96 - 899 x^64 - 61 x^32 - 1 - x^5 f'[x]^2 (1 + f[x])]
Out[86]= {(-1 - x + x^32)/x,
((-1)^(1/3) - x - (-1)^(1/3) x^32)/x,
(-(-1)^(2/3) - x + (-1)^(2/3) x^32)/x}
This takes a couple seconds on my desktop. Be patient.