I'm using the NumberForm command inside a Manipulate environment, and in some special cases Mathematica gives a pesky and mostly useless warning message :
NumberForm::sigz: In addition to the number of digits requested, one or more zeros will appear as placeholders.
Is there a way to tell mathematica to not give any of these useless warnings ?
I'm using NumberForm just to round some output numbers, with a fixed number of digits, like this : NumberForm[x, {4, 3}].
Also, is there a way to round the labeled numbers which are shown next to a Manipulate slider ?
Update : Here's a MWE which replicates my problem :
Afunction[r_, x_, y_] := -x/r + (y^2 - 1)/(2 r^2)
Acurve[x_, y_] := Plot[{Afunction[r, x, y], (x^2 - 1)/2}, {r, 0, 10}, PlotRange -> {{0, 10}, {-1.5, 1.5}}]
someInfo[x_, y_] := If[(0 < x < 1 && y > 1), Text[Style[StringJoin["Just a test :\n\n", "r = ", ToString[NumberForm[x/(1 - x^2), {5, 4}]], " km"]], {5, -1.25}], {}]
Manipulate[Show[Acurve[x, y],
PlotRange -> {{0, 10}, {-1.5, 1.5}},
AspectRatio -> 1,
Frame -> True,
Epilog -> someInfo[x, y]],
Control[{{x, 0.8}, -1, 2, 0.001, Appearance -> {"Labeled"}}],
Control[{{y, 1.5}, 0, 15, Appearance -> {"Labeled"}}]
The code compiles fine and works as excepted. However, open the first slider to enter a number by hand for "x", and enter something like x = 0.9999999. Then you should get a warning message.
What is the problem with my code ?
to prevent message but what is your Manipulate code? I cannot reproduce the problem. $\endgroup$NumberForm
poses problem thanQuiet@NumberForm[...]
. Or whatever. You may prevent all messages byQuiet@Manipulate[...]
. $\endgroup$Off[NumberForm::sigz]
is another option to turn of warnings. See here. $\endgroup$