I would like to add some buttons next to a slider for higher accuracy movements. For instance I have this slider, which has 1-step, pretty easy to use.
In[2]:= Slider[Dynamic[x], {-5, 5, 1}, Appearance -> "Labeled"]
but if I try something like
Slider[Dynamic[x], {-100, 100, 0.001}, Appearance -> "Labeled"]
it is quit difficult to set x's value the precise one I want. Hence it would be helpful to add some arrow buttons that will be click and step.
Does anyone know if there is such an ability?
Furthermore it is crucial to have Dynamic[x]
so that x is set in real time.
that you desire, you canShow Animation Controls
by clicking the tiny box at the end of the slider and typing that value (followed by <Enter>) into the box. $\endgroup$