
I'm using the recursive functions defined here: MyFnc and myFncC (compiled version). I want to call this functions in the integration rutine, so I first defined:

MyFncC[Q_?(MatrixQ[#, NumericQ] &)] := myFncC[Q];

Compiled version indeed performs faster which can be checked as:

arg := Table[RandomReal[{-1, 1}, 3], {5}]
arg2 = arg;

(Table[MyFnc[arg2], {10^3}] // AbsoluteTiming)[[1]]
(*Out[]  1.77652 *)
(Table[myFncC[arg2], {10^3}] // AbsoluteTiming)[[1]]
(*Out[]  0.27442 *)
(Table[MyFncC[arg2], {10^3}] // AbsoluteTiming)[[1]]
(*Out[]  0.24558 *)

Not sure why the MyFncC is faster than myFncC one, but ok...

Now I want to do the numerical integrals using the MyFnc:

Int[x_] := Block[{INT, FNC, xx, yy, y, phi},
           xx = {0., 0., x};
           yy = {y*Sin[phi], 0., y*Cos[phi]};
           FNC = (MyFnc[{xx, yy, xx - yy}][[1]])*y^2 Exp[-y^2];
           INT = NIntegrate[FNC , {y, 0.01, 10.0}, {phi, 0, Pi}, PrecisionGoal -> 5, Method -> {Automatic, "SymbolicProcessing" -> 0}];

and similarly using the MyFncC;

CInt[x_] := Block[{INT, FNC, xx, yy, y, phi},
            xx = {0., 0., x};
            yy = {y*Sin[phi], 0., y*Cos[phi]};
            FNC = (MyFncC[{xx, yy, xx - yy}][[1]])*y^2 Exp[-y^2];
            INT = NIntegrate[FNC , {y, 0.01, 10.0}, {phi, 0, Pi},PrecisionGoal -> 5,Method -> {Automatic, "SymbolicProcessing" -> 0}];

In order to evaluate the preformance I look at:

(Table[{x, Int[x]}, {x, 0.001, 1.0, 0.005}]//AbsoluteTiming)[[1]]
(*Out[]  7.97999 *)
(Table[{x, CInt[x]}, {x, 0.001, 1.0, 0.005}]//AbsoluteTiming)[[1]]
(*Out[]  8.12214 *)

And annoyingly the CInt version that uses the compiled version is actually slower. Why is that?

More generally, would I be better of writing a brute force MC integration using CInt then using NIntegrate? I eventually want to go beyond the 2D integration.

Some potentially useful info

Something seems to be problematic related to symbolic processing, since when running the CInt error message appears, e.g.

 (* CompiledFunction::cfta: Argument {{0.,0.,0.3},{y Sin[phi],0.,y Cos[phi]},{0. -y Sin[phi],0.,0.3 -y Cos[phi]}} 
    at position 1 should be a rank 2 tensor of machine-size real numbers. >> *)
 (*Out[] -0.318841 *)

but I don't understand why this happens. I thought using MyFncC instead of myFncC should have resolved this.

I also realised that somewhat similar problems have been addressed here. I've tried to check the number of evaluations by replacing the INT line in the integrals with something like;

INT = Length@Last@Last@Reap@NIntegrate[FNC , {y, 0.01, 10.0}, {phi, 0, Pi}, 
      PrecisionGoal -> 5, Method -> {Automatic, "SymbolicProcessing" -> 0}, 
      EvaluationMonitor :> Sow[0]];

and this gives the same number of evaluations for both Int and CInt, e.g.

(*Out[] 7871 *)
(*Out[] 7871 *)

so CInt is not slower because it does more evaluations.



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