Given the wave function $\Psi\left ( x,t \right ) = \psi\left ( x \right )T\left ( t \right )$ with the spatial component of the wavefunction $\psi(x) = \psi_{0}e^{-ikx}$, I tried
Manipulate[Plot[B Exp[-I k x], {x, 0, 10}], {B, -10, 10}, {k, 0, 10}]
which gives
That is not what I'm looking for. Trying
Plot[E^(-I x), {x, 0, 10}]
which I find just plain weird.
Am I using the wrong function or is this an inherent 'user' problem?
How do I get the right plot? In any case, I'm trying to plot the left moving wave of the spatial component of the Schrödinger's equation. I do not know how it looks like but, intuitively, it ought to resembles decays.