The RandomFunction generates an output in the form of TemporalData. How can I plot a scaled version of this data, e.g., all values divided by $n$ with time kept fixed? I read this post but couldn't find an answer.
2 Answers
td = RandomFunction[WienerProcess[], {0, 1, .01}, 10];
ListLinePlot[Normal@td /. {a_, b_} :> {a, b/10}]
td = RandomFunction[WienerProcess[], {0, 1, .01}, 10];
GraphicsColumn[{ListLinePlot[td], ListLinePlot[td/10]}]
s = RandomFunction[BinomialProcess[1/3], {0, 50}]; ListPlot[{s, s["PathStates"]/2}]
$\endgroup$s = RandomFunction[BinomialProcess[1/3], {10, 50}]; ListPlot[{s, s/2}]