
I use the following code to plot a binary tree

TreePlot[{11 -> 23, 11 -> 24, 23 -> 40, 23 -> 39, 24 -> 30, 24 -> 50, 
  40 -> 55, 40 -> 45}, VertexLabeling -> All, 
 PlotStyle -> {FontSize -> 13}, 
 VertexRenderingFunction -> ({EdgeForm[White], 
     RGBColor[113/255, 190/255, 236/255], Disk[#1, 0.2], White, 
     Text[#2, #1]} &), AspectRatio -> Automatic]

enter image description here

The question is what should I do if I want to change the back color of vertex "11" and "23" to red? Thank you!

  • $\begingroup$ Hi, use TreeGraph with VertexShapeFunction and then SetProperty[{g, 11}, VertexShapeFunction -> ({EdgeForm[White], Red, Disk[#1, 0.2], White, Text[#2, #1]} &)] $\endgroup$
    – Kuba
    Commented Nov 16, 2015 at 12:50
  • $\begingroup$ @Kuba Thanks! Do you know how do I change the font size in TreeGraph? TreeGraph seems not to support PlotStyle directive. $\endgroup$
    – Tony
    Commented Nov 16, 2015 at 13:00

3 Answers 3

ar = ConstantArray[RGBColor[113/255, 190/255, 236/255], 55];
ar[[{11, 23}]] = Red;

 TreePlot[{11 -> 23, 11 -> 24, 23 -> 40, 23 -> 39, 24 -> 30, 24 -> 50, 
      40 -> 55, 40 -> 45},
     VertexLabeling -> All,
     PlotStyle -> {FontSize -> 13},
     VertexRenderingFunction -> 
        ({EdgeForm[White], ar[[#2]], Disk[#1, 0.2], White, Text[#2, #1]} &),
     AspectRatio -> Automatic]

enter image description here


Here's an alternative approach that does the work in VertexRenderingFunction:

$redDisks = {11, 23};

TreePlot[{11 -> 23, 11 -> 24, 23 -> 40, 23 -> 39, 24 -> 30, 24 -> 50, 
  40 -> 55, 40 -> 45}, VertexLabeling -> All, 
 PlotStyle -> {FontSize -> 13}, VertexRenderingFunction -> 
  ({EdgeForm[White], If[MemberQ[$redDisks, #2], Red, 
     RGBColor[113/255, 190/255, 236/255]], Disk[#1, 0.2], White, 
    Text[#2, #1]} & ), AspectRatio -> Automatic]

enter image description here


You can also post-process the output of TreePlot to change the styles of select vertices:

modify = # /. d : Disk[(Alternatives @@ Cases[#, Text[Alternatives @@ #2, p_] :> p, 
 {0, Infinity}]), _] :> {#3, d} &;


tp = TreePlot[{11 -> 23, 11 -> 24, 23 -> 40, 23 -> 39, 24 -> 30, 
    24 -> 50, 40 -> 55, 40 -> 45}, VertexLabeling -> All, 
   PlotStyle -> {FontSize -> 13}, 
   VertexRenderingFunction -> ({EdgeForm[White], 
       RGBColor[113/255, 190/255, 236/255], Disk[#1, 0.2], White, 
       Text[#2, #1]} &), AspectRatio -> Automatic];

modify[tp, {11, 23}, Red]

enter image description here

Fold[modify[#, #2[[1]], #2[[2]]] &, tp, {{{11, 23}, Red}, {{45, 50}, Purple}}]

enter image description here


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