I'm trying to create a grid that shows the largest data value from a list.
What I have mostly works- the problem comes when there is missing data.
You can't really tell here, but all of the missing data is at the bottom.
Here you can see all the missing data is at the top...
I'm using SortBy
to handle the sorting, and just can't seem to get the function to work. For instance, this works just like you'd expect:
SortBy[ finalData, { #[[2]] } &]
However, this does not:
SortBy[ finalData, { Function[ #[[2]] ] } &]
It also doesn't work when you throw in a Return
I've tried to extend that to a conditional If[ NumberQ[ ... ], #[[2]]
and so forth, but if I can't get the most basic example working, I obviously can't the more complicated one working.
Code, for reference:
(* Utility functions *)
removeMissingData[ data_ ] :=
DeleteCases[ data, _?( ! FreeQ[ #, _Missing ] & ) ]
divideStatsData[ data1_, data2_ ] := (
Module[ { data }, (* Module makes declared variables local *)
data = { #, CountryData[ #, data1 ], CountryData[ #, data2 ] } & /@
(* Missing data / missing data = 1 *)
data = removeMissingData[ data ];
{ #[[1]], #[[2]] / #[[3]] } & /@ data
extractData[ data_ ] :=
QuantityMagnitude @ Flatten[ Transpose[ data ][[ 2 ]] ]
drawMapWithTooltips[ data_ ] := ( Module[ { rawData, min, max },
rawData = extractData[ data ];
{ min, max } = { Min[ rawData ], Max[ rawData ] };
PlotRange -> { min, max },
GeoLabels -> (
#1, (* Location *)
Extract[ (* First extract removes ugly braces,
second actually gets information *)
Position[ data, #2, 2 ] + { { 0, 1 } } (*
Search through table by country (#2) *)
(* Could just recalculate the value again... *)
], 1 ]
] &
sortFromGreatestToLeast[ data_ ] := Sort[ data, #1[[2]] > #2[[2]] &]
arableLandPerPopulation = divideStatsData[ "ArableLandArea", "Population" ];
drawMapWithTooltips[ arableLandPerPopulation ]
currentAccountBalancePerGDP = divideStatsData[ "CurrentAccountBalance", "GDP" ];
drawMapWithTooltips[ currentAccountBalancePerGDP ]
governmentSurplusPerGDP = divideStatsData[ "GovernmentSurplus", "GDP" ];
drawMapWithTooltips[ governmentSurplusPerGDP ]
governmentDebtPerGDP = divideStatsData[ "GovernmentDebt", "GDP" ];
drawMapWithTooltips[ governmentDebtPerGDP ]
militaryExpenditurePerPopulation = divideStatsData[ "MilitaryExpenditures", "Population" ];
drawMapWithTooltips[ militaryExpenditurePerPopulation ]
militaryExpenditurePerGovernmentDebt = divideStatsData[ "MilitaryExpenditures", "GovernmentDebt" ];
drawMapWithTooltips[ militaryExpenditurePerGovernmentDebt ]
combine[ data_, names_ ] := (
countries = CountryData[];
return = { Join[ { "Country" }, names ] };
statsFinal = {};
For[ i = 1, i <= Length[ data ], i++,
new = { # };
stats = (
temp = Position[ data[[ i ]], # ];
temp = If[
Length[ temp ] > 0,
Extract[ Extract[ data[[ i ]], temp + {{ 0, 1 }} ], 1 ],
) & /@ CountryData[];
AppendTo[ statsFinal, stats ];
For[ i = 1, i <= Length[ CountryData[] ], i++,
new = { CountryData[ countries[[i]], "Name" ] };
For[ ii = 1, ii <= Length[ statsFinal ], ii++,
AppendTo[ new, statsFinal[[ii]][[i]] ]
AppendTo[ return, new ];
finalData = combine[
{ militaryExpenditurePerGovernmentDebt,
militaryExpenditurePerPopulation, governmentDebtPerGDP,
governmentSurplusPerGDP, currentAccountBalancePerGDP,
arableLandPerPopulation },
{ "militaryExpenditurePerGovernmentDebt",
"militaryExpenditurePerPopulation", "governmentDebtPerGDP",
"governmentSurplusPerGDP", "currentAccountBalancePerGDP",
"arableLandPerPopulation" }
Take[ finalData, { 2, Length[ finalData ] } ],
Function[ x,
x[[ Extract[Extract[Position[finalData[[1]], top], 1], 1] ]] ]
Take[ finalData, 1 ]
Frame -> All
], {
top, {
} }
So I guess the question is really: How can I organize columns of data with missing data involved?
do in your code? Its definition is missing. $\endgroup$SortBy[ finalData, { Function[ #[[2]] } &]
has no closing square bracket and mixes syntax. TrySortBy[ finalData, #[[2]]&]
orSortBy[ finalData,Function[x, x[[2]]]]
on top when I selectgovernmentSurplusPerGDP
. $\endgroup$