
May I know what $x,y,z$ in ARProcess[x,{y},z] mean?

ma = EstimatedProcess[detrend, ARProcess[1]]
(* Out: ARProcess[-1.14364*10^-13, {0.235799}, 0.00209441] *)

2 Answers 2


Did you check the manual for ARProcess?

You have a numbers (not matrices), thus you need this and this rules:

ARProcess[{a1,…,ap},v] represents a weakly stationary autoregressive process of order p with normal white noise variance v.

ARProcess[c,…] represents an AR process with a constant c.

Thus, in your case you have an AR process of degree 1 with constant c equal to -1.14364*10^-13 (zero means), coefficient of an AR process 0.235799 and a variance of residuals equal to 0.00209441.

 Module[{f = RandomFunction[ARProcess[x, {y}, z], {1, 10^2}]},
  ListPlot[SeedRandom[1234]; f,
      Filling -> Axis, 
      PlotRange -> {Automatic, {-0.5, 0.5}}]],
 {{x, -a}, -1, 1},
 {{y, b}, -3*b, 3*b},
 {{z, c}, $MinMachineNumber, 20*c}, 
 Initialization :> (a = 1.14364*10^-13; b = 0.235799; c = 0.00209441)]

enter image description here

ARProcess[x, {y}, z] represents a first order autoregressive process. If you play around with the RandomFunction defined by the process in the code above, you'll see that $x$ is a constant offset, $y$ is a process parameter, and $z$ represents the variance.

  • $\begingroup$ may I know the name of those? $\endgroup$ Commented Oct 12, 2015 at 14:21

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