Which is the function that can plot me the bipartite graph $K_{7, 2}$ in Mathematica? And after that to delete 2 edges?? Thanks for the help.
1 Answer
Using CompleteGraph as suggested by @Guesswhoitis in the comments and EdgeDelete:
opts = {VertexLabels -> Placed["Name", Center], BaseStyle -> Thick,
ImageSize -> 300, VertexSize -> {"Scaled", .1},
VertexLabelStyle -> Large};
k72 = CompleteGraph[{7, 2}, opts];
deletededges = {5 \[UndirectedEdge] 9, 2 \[UndirectedEdge] 8};
k72b = EdgeDelete[k72, deletededges];
Row[Labeled[##, Top] & @@@
{{k72, Style["k72 = CompleteGraph[{7,2}]", 18, "Panel"]},
{k72b, Style[ "EdgeDelete[k72, {5\[UndirectedEdge]9, 2\[UndirectedEdge]8}]", 18,
? $\endgroup$