I want to generate a plot using Plot, copy it and paste to a Word/PowerPoint document as a vector EMF file in order to preserve best quality of an image. However I found out that if I Copy Graphic and Paste Special as Picture (Enhanced Metafile) is inserts not vector but raster (pixelized) image. The same behavior I see if use Save Graphic As to an EMF file.
I found one answer BarChart rasterized in EMF export, but in its code
plot = BarChart[{1, 2, 3},
ChartBaseStyle ->
EdgeForm[Directive[GrayLevel[0.356], Opacity[1]]]] /. {Opacity[0], __} -> {}
Export["test.emf", plot]
General::unavail: Export is not available in this version of the Wolfram Language.
How do I achieve my task?
Thank you.
) format instead? Mathematica correctly exports.eps
files as vector graphics, and Word will import them. (At least, that's what I read... I use LibreOffice here at home, so I can't test it out.) $\endgroup$