
Basically, I'm trying to make Mathematica give me a tree with names inside the rectangles like so: enter image description here

...while also having the properties of VertexLabels or Tooltip, which lets me place my mouse over the name in the rectangle to give me additional information. Using VertexLabels alone places the names outside the nodes, which I don't want. Nor do I want circles - they need to be rectangles. Tooltip alone doesn't seem to work for the nodes, only the edges. Any help will be much appreciated.

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    Commented Feb 3, 2015 at 16:07
  • $\begingroup$ Please replace the image in the question by the actually code according to the guidelines in meta1027. Doing so will encourage more people to consider your question. $\endgroup$
    – bbgodfrey
    Commented Feb 3, 2015 at 16:08

1 Answer 1

ttF = Tooltip[#, "The Iliad of Homer"] &;

Use "The Iliad of Homer" as the tooltip for the nodes and the edge:

TreePlot[{ttF[# -> #2] & @@ ttF /@ {Peleus, Achiles}},  VertexLabeling -> All]

enter image description here

Alternatively, (1) Use the syntax $\left\{\left\{v_i\to v_j,\text{lbl}_1\right\},\ldots \right\}$ instead of $\left\{v_i\to v_j,v_{2 i}\to v_{2 j},\ldots \right\}$ to specify the edges. (2) Use the option settings VertexLabeling -> All and EdgeLabeling -> Automatic. (3) Post-process the TreePlot output to change the Tooltip labels.

TreePlot[{{Peleus -> Achiles, ""}}, VertexLabeling -> All, EdgeLabeling -> Automatic] /. 
      Tooltip[v_, _] :> Tooltip[v, "The Iliad of Homer"]
(* same picture *)

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