From the documentation:
Plot[2 Sin[x], {x, 0, 10}, Frame -> True, FrameLabel -> {x, y},
PlotLabel -> 2 Sin[x], LabelStyle -> Orange]
But then add a frame style:
Plot[2 Sin[x], {x, 0, 10}, Frame -> True, FrameLabel -> {x, y},
PlotLabel -> 2 Sin[x], FrameStyle -> Green, LabelStyle -> Orange]
To me this is unexpected. I thought FrameStyle
controlled the frame style not the frame tick or frame label style (if explicit options had been entered for FrameTicksStyle
and LabelStyle
It is possible to separate the styles of the frame and the frame ticks (via FrameTicksStyle
). I'm assuming I am missing something very obvious here but how can a user give separate the styles of the frame and the frame labels?
i.e. How can I create a plot with a blue frame and red frame labels?
(I know I can use Style
when entering frame labels but I am seeking an answer in terms of plotting options -- if one exists.)
have a higher priority thanLabelStyle
, the explicit examples show thatLabelStyle
has a higher priority thanFrameTicksStyle
. I therefore wouldn't consider this part of the documentation to be enlightening :) $\endgroup$FrameTicksStyle
supposed higher priority leaves labels unchanged whereasFrameStyle
, also higher priority but it changes labels. If they are defined to have the same priority in relation to labels shouldn't they act the same? $\endgroup$Plot[2 Sin[x], {x, 0, 10}, Frame -> True, FrameLabel -> {x, y}, PlotLabel -> 2 Sin[x], FrameStyle -> Directive[Green, FontColor -> Orange], FrameTicksStyle -> Directive[FontColor -> Black], LabelStyle -> Orange]
to have different styles for the frame labels, frame + ticks, and tick marks. $\endgroup$Style
around all frame labels. $\endgroup$