Is there a convenient way to format tick labels? In this example I would like to use the default Mathematica tick intervals, but simply convert the X axis labels to strings with "s" added.
As you can see below, by default Mathematica shows six X axis labels, with three subticks, although for different plot ranges both can vary:
plotA = Plot[Sin[x], {x, 6, 16}, Frame -> True]
A basic function can be defined to add the "s" formatting, but it doesn't vary as the Mathematica range would. Adding subticks would be further work, and the upper X frame would have to be defined too, to match the intervals.
frametickfunction[xmin_, xmax_] :=
{#, ToString[#] <> "s"} & /@ FindDivisions[{xmin, xmax}, 6]
plotB = Plot[Sin[x], {x, 6, 16}, Frame -> True,
FrameTicks -> {{True, True}, {frametickfunction, True}}]
It would be convenient if I could obtain the X axis specification produced in plotA, modify it, and use it in plotB. Is this possible, or are there other methods?
is supposed to be the solution for this, but it seems it doesn't do what it's supposed to do in these recent versions of Mathematica... $\endgroup$