
Since upgrading to Mathematica 10 on Mac OSX I have come across a number of instances of this error, which occurs using Probit and Logit model fit.

enter image description here

A bit of googling show this is something to do with the estimation algorithm.

But the issue is more complex. When I estimate the model straight from this dataset I get the error, but when I first take the values of the data, then fit the model, I get the expected result.

Here's an example

var = {age, gender, photo6};

mTest = SemanticImport[

testFit = 
 mTest[ProbitModelFit[#, var, 
    var] &, {#age, #gender, #photo6, #rawM} &]

testFit2 = 
 ProbitModelFit[#, var, 
    var] &@(mTest[All, {"age", "gender", "photo6", "rawM"}] // 
     Normal // Values)

Output of this is

enter image description here

Why the two different results for the same calculation? Is there a workaround that allows the estimation to proceed when directly using the dataset?

  • $\begingroup$ This looks like a bug to me. $\endgroup$
    – RunnyKine
    Commented Aug 19, 2014 at 11:40
  • $\begingroup$ I thought so too. I suspect it is a general bug in the GeneralizedLinearModelFit algorithm because I've never even seen the error before (prior to V10) and now it is popping up in a couple of other places as well (though I don't have a small working example handy). $\endgroup$ Commented Aug 19, 2014 at 11:51
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ You are using SemanticImport, which is new to V10. Could the problem lie there? How did you import your data in earlier versions of Mathematica? $\endgroup$
    – m_goldberg
    Commented Aug 19, 2014 at 12:25
  • 4
    $\begingroup$ @m_goldberg, I don't think it has anything to do with SemanticImport. You can try importing the data with Import and create the Dataset yourself, the error still persists whereas LinearModelFit works fine. $\endgroup$
    – RunnyKine
    Commented Aug 19, 2014 at 12:56

1 Answer 1


I believe that this is a bug. The rest of this response speculates as to the possible cause.

We start by observing that the test can be made to work by suppressing MissingBehaviour:

  ProbitModelFit[#, var, var] &
, {#age, #gender, #photo6, #rawM} &
, MissingBehavior -> None

result screenshot

It also works if FailureAction -> None is specified instead, but then the exhibited error message about non-real values is produced (along with the correct result).

As noted elsewhere MissingBehavior is implemented by Dataset`WithOverrides. ??Dataset`WithOverrides reveals that this function temporarily alters the definitions of a number of symbols, namely those in this list:


(* { Commonest,First,InterquartileRange,Kurtosis,Last,Mean,Median,Missing,Most,
     Quartiles,Rest,RootMeanSquare,Skewness,StandardDeviation,Total,Variance }

It so happens that ProbitModelFit uses Total. We can verify that fact like this:

$data = mTest[All, {#age, #gender, #photo6, #rawM} &];

On @@ Dataset`Overrides`PackagePrivate`$AllChangedSymbols

ProbitModelFit[$data // Normal, {age, gender, photo6}, {age, gender, photo6}]


(* ... produces many trace messages containing Total ... *)

It would appear that the patching performed by Dataset`WithOverrides is interfering with the operation of ProbitModelFit. We can simulate this by engaging in some patching of our own:

, Unprotect @ Total
; Total[n___] /; False := Null
; ProbitModelFit[$data // Normal,{age,gender,photo6},{age,gender,photo6}]

result screenshot

This patch is even less invasive than the one installed by Dataset`WithOverrides, and yet it generates the same error message (and the same correct output). It would seem that ProbitModelFit is expecting Total to operate exactly as it is shipped -- nothing more, nothing less.


ProbitModelFit does not function properly within a query with default missing- and failure-handling. The missing-handling alters the definition of Total in a manner that causes ProbitModelFit to issue a warning message. The failure-handling sees that message and, by default, fails the whole query operation. Correct operation can be restored by either disabling the missing-handling, the failure-handling, or both.

The missing-handling is implemented by monkey-patching various low-level system components. This patching implements the proper Query semantics, at the cost of disturbing normal non-query system behaviour. Such disturbances are a frequent consequence of monkey-patching. The patching methodology explains not only the issue under discussion, but a number of other erratic Dataset behaviours logged on this site.

  • $\begingroup$ That's a brilliant answer! Your MissingBehavior workaround will suit my needs for now. $\endgroup$ Commented Aug 20, 2014 at 4:54

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