How can I compute and plot the spectrogram of a signal/time series/data in Mathematica? I have a WAV file, sampled at 44100 samples/second and I want to generate a spectrogram of that data. Something like this:
4 Answers
Get a sample sound:
snd = ExampleData[{"Sound", "SopranoSaxophone"}];
This gives us a Sound
data structure with a SampledSoundList
as first element. Extracting the data from it:
sndData = snd[[1, 1]];
sndSampleRate = snd[[1, 2]];
Plotting the data:
ListPlot[sndData, DataRange -> {0, Length[sndData]/sndSampleRate },
ImageSize -> 600, Frame -> True,
FrameLabel -> {"Time (s)", "Amplitude", "", ""},
BaseStyle -> {FontFamily -> "Arial", FontWeight -> Bold, 14}]
Find the lowest amplitude level (used as reference for dB calculations):
min = Min[Abs[Fourier[sndData]]];
A spectrogram is made by making a DFT of partitions of the sample. The partitions usually have some overlap.
partSize = 2500;
offset = 250;
spectroGramData =
Take[20*Log10[Abs[Fourier[#]]/min], {2, partSize/2 // Floor}] & /@
Partition[sndData, partSize, offset];
Note that I skip the first element of the DFT. This is the mean level. I also show only half of the frequency data. Because of the finite sampling only half of the returned coefficient list contains useful frequency information (up to the Nyquist frequency).
ColorFunction -> "Rainbow",
DataRange ->
{{0, Length[sndData]/sndSampleRate },
{sndSampleRate/partSize, sndSampleRate/2 }},
AspectRatio -> 1/2, ImageSize -> 800,
Frame -> True, FrameLabel -> {"Frequency (Hz)", "Time (s)", "", ""},
BaseStyle -> {FontFamily -> "Arial", FontWeight -> Bold, 12}
A 3D spectrogram (note the different offset value):
partSize = 2500;
offset = 2500;
spectroGramData =
Take[20*Log10[Abs[Fourier[#]]/min], {2, partSize/2 // Floor}] & /@
Partition[sndData, partSize, offset];
ListPlot3D[spectroGramData\[Transpose], ColorFunction -> "Rainbow",
DataRange ->
Round[{{0, Length[sndData]/sndSampleRate }, {sndSampleRate/partSize,
sndSampleRate/2}}, 0.1], ImageSize -> 800,
BaseStyle -> {FontFamily -> "Arial", FontWeight -> Bold, 12}]
$\begingroup$ how about a 3d surface spectrogram? additionally, what is [Transpose] $\endgroup$ Commented Apr 7, 2012 at 21:29
is a FullForm version of the transpose symbol that does the same as the functionTranspose
. You'll find all aboutTranspose
in Mathematica's electronic manual. $\endgroup$ Commented Apr 7, 2012 at 21:40 -
$\begingroup$ Ok. Thanks, I haven't seen a function in brackets before so I was uncertain where to look, as things such as @ are hard to find. Addtionally, what is ~Join~ ? I saw it on an answer somewhere. $\endgroup$ Commented Apr 7, 2012 at 21:42
$\begingroup$ @EiyrioüvonKauyf It's really not that hard. Just select the
and hit F1, it'll take you to theMap
page, for which/@
is the infix form shorthand.~
can be used to convert a function taking two arguments to an infix function:Func[arg1,arg2]
. More in many places in the manual, e.g., here. By the way, it's better to ask these kinds of things in a comment directly below the answer/question that provoked your question. $\endgroup$ Commented Apr 7, 2012 at 22:16
The following is a more detailed version of a Spectrogram
implementation in Mathematica and is part of a larger package that I'm writing in my spare time. I've tried to keep the functionality and output structure similar to MATLAB's (but not entirely). The code is provided at the end of this answer, and I'll jump to the examples now:
First load the package and some example data:
{data, fs} = {#[[1, 1, 1]], #[[1, 2]]} &@ ExampleData[{"Sound", "Apollo11SmallStep"}];
takes several options such as:
— Hamming, Hanning and rectangular (default) windows are pre-defined and you can extend it to other windows or supply one of your own.WindowLength
— Samples in each segment (default isFloor[Length[data]]
— Samples overlapping with the previous segment (default 50%)FFTLength
(default:Max[256, 2^pow]
is the next power of 2 larger than your segment length) andSamplingFrequency
are self explanatory
A sample call to Spectrogram
with the above data would be:
{s, f, t} = Spectrogram[data, WindowFunction -> Hamming, WindowLength -> 200,
SamplingFrequency -> fs];
You can then plot this like in Sjoerd's example (or you can implement a default plot style within Spectrogram
) to get something like:
A couple of things that are on my to-do list are to implement the Goertzel algorithm so that you can easily supply a list of frequencies at which the spectrogram needs to be calculated and different plotting schemes for 2D (something like the plot above as default) and waterfall and similar for 3D plots. I'll update this post when I get around to doing that.
Spectrogram code
(* Input checks *)
DoubleQ[data_List] := And @@ Function[x, MachineNumberQ[x], Listable][data];
CheckInput::sparse = "The input data must not be sparse!";
CheckInput::nodbl = "The input data must be machine precision!";
CheckInput[x_] := Which[
Head[x] === SparseArray, Message[CheckInput::sparse],
! DoubleQ[x], Message[CheckInput::nodbl],
True, True
(* Window functions *)
Rectangular = UnitStep[Range[#]] &;
Hanning = 0.5 (1 - Cos[2 Pi Range[0, #-1]/(#-1)]) &;
Hamming = 0.54 - 0.46 Cos[2 Pi Range[0, #-1]/(#-1)] &;
(* Spectrogram code *)
Spectrogram[data_List, opts : OptionsPattern[{
WindowFunction -> Rectangular, WindowLength :> Floor[Length[data]/8],
OverlapLength -> {}, FFTLength -> {}, SamplingFrequency -> 1}]] :=
x = Developer`ToPackedArray[data], len = Length[data], win, seg,
olap, nfft, fs, spectra, time, freq},
(* parameters *)
seg = OptionValue[WindowLength];
olap = If[# === {}, Floor[seg/2], #] &@OptionValue[OverlapLength];
nfft = If[# === {}, Max[2^Ceiling[Log2[seg]], 256], #] &@ OptionValue[FFTLength];
win = OptionValue[WindowFunction];
fs = OptionValue[SamplingFrequency];
(* output *)
time = Range[0, len]/fs;
freq = fs Range[0, nfft/2]/nfft ;
spectra = Take[Abs[Fourier[PadRight[#*win[seg], nfft], FourierParameters -> {1, -1}]] & /@
Partition[x, seg, seg - olap, {1, -1}] // Transpose, Floor[nfft/2] + 1];
{spectra, freq, time}
] /; CheckInput[data]
2$\begingroup$ You have the frequency start at 0 Hz, but that can't be true. The lowest frequency is determined by the length of your window. $\endgroup$ Commented Apr 8, 2012 at 6:52
$\begingroup$ @SjoerdC.deVries The first DFT bin (and the frequencies it spans) contributes to the "mean". You chose to discard it, I didn't. AFAIK it's not customary to throw it out when plotting. $\endgroup$– rm -rf ♦Commented Apr 8, 2012 at 15:01
2$\begingroup$ I'm not talking about bin centres. If you're examining your sound data in pieces of 1000 samples at a time and with a sample rate of 20 kHz the lowest representable frequency will be 20 Hz. That's what should be the lowest part of the plot (or the second lowest in your case). If you let it start at 0 every step in your spectrogram will be slightly mislabeled. $\endgroup$ Commented Apr 8, 2012 at 16:26
1$\begingroup$ @Sjoerd Aha! I now get what you're saying. The frequencies in my output
are correct (2nd bin is about 21.5ish), but since I set the range fromMin[f]
, it stretches the labeling from the left end of the first bin (if you consider it a rectangle) to the right end of the last bin instead of the left end of the last bin. So while I don't think that starting from 20 (or whatever it is) will fix this (it'll have the same subtle misalignment), I agree that it needs to be fixed. I hadn't gotten around to implementing a custom plot of my own and just quickly used yours :) $\endgroup$– rm -rf ♦Commented Apr 8, 2012 at 17:41 -
1$\begingroup$ @TylerDurden This is not a library to support every codec on earth. I was using example data which has a specific format. $\endgroup$– rm -rf ♦Commented Mar 11, 2016 at 17:37
Version 9 has introduced several signal processing functions and Spectrogram
is now a built-in function. You can simply do:
{data, fs} = {#[[1, 1, 1]], #[[1, 2]]} &@ExampleData[{"Sound", "Apollo11SmallStep"}];
Spectrogram[data, SampleRate -> fs, ColorFunction -> "Rainbow",
FrameLabel -> {"Frequency (Hz)", "Time (s)"}]
1$\begingroup$ Thank you for this answer. I think you inverted "Frequency" and "Time" in the
(the capture is correct). $\endgroup$ Commented Feb 27, 2016 at 18:29
Mathematica can plot spectrograms using the Spectrogram
function or the SpectrogramArray
function, or the Fourier
function -- it is very general and powerful. Here are some examples of audio spectrograms from the Wolfram demonstration site and here is a discussion on Mathematica stackexchange of the process of taking spectrograms of audio. To use mp3s you will need to convert them to .wav files, which can be done using a program like Audacity
or Quicktime (or many others). If your final goal is to plot spectrograms, Audacity (or other free software) might be more appropriate. What you would gain in Mathematica is the ability to control the analysis in complete detail -- but this would not be automatic or trivial, it would take some knowledge of how the spectral functions work.