I have a function that acts like the Interpolation
on sparse $n$-dimensional data using a simple implementation of RBF interpolation method. I want my function to return a compiled function that will run fast. What I get works but it is much slower that I think it should be.
My code
Options[RBFInterpolation] = {
"DistanceFunction" -> (Norm[#1 - #2] &),
"RadialBasisFunction" -> (Sqrt[#1^2 + #2^2/4] &),
"RadialScale" -> Automatic, "Debug" -> False, "Compile" -> False};
RBFInterpolation[cptab_, opts : OptionsPattern[RBFInterpolation]] :=
{ro, xpts, fundata, Φ, disfun, λ, RBF, x},
xpts = #[[1]] & /@ cptab;
fundata = #[[2]] & /@ cptab;
disfun = OptionValue["DistanceFunction"];
RBF = OptionValue["RadialBasisFunction"];
Φ =
Table[disfun[xpts[[i]], xpts[[j]]], {i, 1, Length[xpts]},{j,1,Length[xpts]}];
OptionValue["RadialScale"] == Automatic,
ro = Median[
Drop[Φ[[i]], {i}], {i, 1,
ro = OptionValue["RadialScale"],
Print["I cannot understand \"RadialScale\"->",
OptionValue["RadialScale"], " So I'm going to make it up"];
ro = Median[
Drop[Φ[[i]], {i}], {i, 1, Length[Φ]}]]]
If[OptionValue["Debug"], Print["ro=", ro]];
Print["Distance function on first two points"];
Print["point 1 ->", xpts[[1]]];
Print["point 2 ->", xpts[[2]]];
Print["Distance ->", disfun[xpts[[1]], xpts[[2]]]];
Print["Radial Basis Function on Distance ->",
RBF[disfun[xpts[[1]], xpts[[2]]], ro]]
Φ = Map[RBF[#, ro] &, Φ, {2}];
Print["Element of Φ[[1,1]]=", Φ[[1,1]]]];
λ = Inverse[Φ].fundata;
Print["First element of λ[[1]]=", λ[[i]]]];
With[{xi = x, λi = λ, xptsi = xpts, roi = ro},
Compile[{{xi, _Real, 1}},
Sum[λi[[i]] RBF[disfun[xi, xptsi[[i]]], roi], {i, 1,
Sum[λ[[i]] RBF[disfun[x, xpts[[i]]], ro], {i, 1,
Most of this function is not of interest to my question. I think the key is where I Return[]
the compiled function.
With[{xi = x, λi = λ, xptsi = xpts, roi = ro},
Compile[{{xi, _Real, 1}},
Sum[λi[[i]] RBF[disfun[xi, xptsi[[i]]], roi], {i, 1,
Testing the Function
The following code can be used to run and test the timing of the returned function.
First make a "Truth" function to sample then interpolate
truth[x_] := Product[Sin[x[[i]]], {i, 1, Length[x]}];
Make up some data
n = 100;
d = 5;
cpts = RandomReal[{-π/2, π/2}, {n, d}];
cptab = {#, truth[#]} & /@ cpts;
xpts = #[[1]] & /@ cptab;
fundata = #[[2]] & /@ cptab;
Test the speed of the returned functions
Print["Normal Function:"];
Timing[funFun = RBFInterpolation[cptab, "Compile" -> False];]
Timing[funFun[#] & /@ xpts;]
Print["Compile Function:"];
Timing[funFunc = RBFInterpolation[cptab, "Compile" -> True];]
Timing[funFunc[#] & /@ xpts;]
i = 1;
Print["Normal function: ", funFun[xpts[[i]]]];
Print["Complie function: ", funFunc[xpts[[i]]]];
Print["The real right answer: ", fundata[[i]]];
I get results like this:
Normal Function:
Compile Function:
Normal function: -0.0182901
Complie function: -0.0182901
The real right answer: -0.0182901
So as you can see it works but it is not faster. How do I make this faster?
Simpler test that is faster!?
The code:
n = 10;
a = RandomReal[{-1, 1}, n];
f = Table[2 π i, {i, 1, n}];
ϕ = RandomReal[{0, 2 π}, n];
Nfun[t_] := Sum[a[[i]] Cos[f[[i]] t + ϕ[[i]]], {i, 1, n}];
Nfunc = Compile[{{t, _Real}},
Evaluate[Sum[a[[i]] Cos[f[[i]] t + ϕ[[i]]], {i, 1, n}]]];
makeNfunc[a_, f_, ϕ_] := Module[{n},
n = Length[a];
Compile[{{t, _Real}},
Evaluate[Sum[a[[i]] Cos[f[[i]] t + ϕ[[i]]], {i, 1, n}]]]]
NfuncR = makeNfunc[a, f, ϕ];
Run the code:
npts = 10000;
data = RandomReal[{0, 10}, npts];
Timing[Nfun[#] & /@ data;]
Timing[Nfunc[#] & /@ data;]
Timing[NfuncR[#] & /@ data;]
The output:
{0.585911, Null}
{0.012998, Null}
{0.012998, Null}
So in this simple case the compiled code is about 45 times faster for both the function compiled inline Nfunc
and the function that was returned by the makeNfunc
, NfuncR
So the question is what is the problem with my original function above?
has been improved since version 7, which I use, but when I run the lineTiming[funFunc[#] & /@ xpts;]
I getCompiledFunction::cfte: Compiled expression 0.` should be a rank 1 tensor of machine-size real numbers. >> CompiledFunction::cfex: Could not complete external evaluation at instruction 20; proceeding with uncompiled evaluation. >>
Do you see similar errors? $\endgroup$rank
which gave me similar errors. I then found that 1 worked which makes since becausexi
is a vector. I get no indication that what is returned is not compiled, like the error textproceeding with uncompiled evaluation.
implies. If I just evaluatefunFunc
I getCompiledFunction[...stuff..]
as expected. Everything works it is just no faster. $\endgroup$CompilationOptions -> {"InlineExternalDefinitions" -> True}
will fix your problem. $\endgroup$