I would like to create a button that when I click it it evaluates a cell containing a manipulate code. Also, I would like another button that when I click the output of manipulate disappears.
How can I do it ?
The first button you don't have to create ;-) It's called the "Enter" button and it's already on your keyboard. Press it with the insertion cursor in the following block of code:
d = Manipulate[Plot[Sin[k x], {x, 0, 2 \[Pi]}], {k, 1, 10}];
e = True;
Dynamic[If[e, d, ""]]
The second button is generated below. Pressing it toggles the Manipulate between an on and off state.
Button["Manipulate On/Off", e = Not[e]]
again when you turn it on, as opposed to simply making it disappear and reappear (like if you deleted the manipulate and immediately undid it).