While adding shadows to the spiric sections of a torus using the The answer to the question given by Daniel Huber, I faced a problem.
Instead of being well separated as previously, the sections overlap. How to make them well-spaced as previously with their shadows on the lower wall face?
For shadow, I used an answer by Eldo using DropShadow
developed by Michael Sollami
DropShadow = ResourceFunction["DropShadow"];
seg = {{-5, -4.5}, {-4.5, -3.5}, {-3.5, 0}, {0, 3.5}, {3.5,
4.5}, {4.5, 5}};
shift = {-5, -3, -1, 1, 3, 5};
gr = MapThread[
ParametricPlot3D[{0, #2,
0} + {(4 + Cos[\[Phi]])*Cos[\[Theta]], (4 + Cos[\[Phi]])*
Sin[\[Theta]], Sin[\[Phi]]}, {\[Phi], 0, 2 \[Pi]}, {\[Theta],
0, 2 \[Pi]},
RegionFunction ->
Function[{x, y, z}, #1[[1]] < y - #2 < #1[[2]]],
PlotPoints -> 10, ImageSize -> 800, Axes -> False,
Boxed -> False, ViewPoint -> {-2, - 1.3, 1.25}], "Blur" -> 25,
"Color" -> Gray, "Opacity" -> .5,
"Offset" -> {-10, 20}] &, {seg, shift}];
Show[gr, PlotRange -> All]