
I want to get 100 images of 100x100 size 2D image data with "Image3DSlices" command.

randomSpheres = Table[{Sphere[RandomReal[{0, 150}, 3], RandomReal[{1, 10}]]}, {20}]
g3 = Graphics3D[randomSpheres]  (*... eq2*)
si2 = RegionImage[DiscretizeGraphics[g3]];
si3 = si2 // FillingTransform // Binarize;
slice = Image3DSlices[si3]  

However, I cannot set the size of each image of slice... The size seems to be the value of "PlotRange->All", everytime differnet size because the spheres radius and center coodinate are random. I want to make Dimensions of each image of "slice" to be 100x100, as

Dimensions[ImageData[slice[[i]]]] = {100, 100}

for i th image.

Besides, the number of "slice" also seems to depend on the "PlotRange->All" of z direction. I want the number of 2D pictures(="slice") to be 100, but


differs everytime... If someone who knows how to get the cubic data, please tell me.

I tried to change eq2 as

g3 = Graphics3D[randomSpheres, PlotRange -> {{0, 100}, {0, 100}, {0, 100}}]

However, the dimensions of each "slice" image was not 100x100 still. Moreover, some of the spheres were not fully filled... In desired images, all spheres should be filled.

  • $\begingroup$ To make the slices 100 x 100, Maybe try slice = ImageResize[#, {100, 100}] & /@ slice; ? Leaving this as a comment because it doesn't answer the other parts of the question $\endgroup$
    – ydd
    Commented May 23 at 14:14

1 Answer 1


One way to get 100 slices of 100x100 size, given s random spheres:

n = 150; r = 10; s = 20;
spheres = Table[Sphere[RandomReal[{0, n}, 3], RandomReal[{1, r}]], {s}];
mesh = 
  DiscretizeGraphics[Graphics3D@spheres, MaxCellMeasure -> 1, PerformanceGoal -> "Speed"];
bounds = Table[{-r, n + r}, {3}]; size = 100;
img = RegionImage[mesh, bounds, RasterSize -> size]

enter image description here

fimg = img // FillingTransform // Binarize;

{100, 100, 100}

slices = Image3DSlices[fimg];
ImageDimensions /@ slices // Tally

{{{100, 100}, 100}}

Multicolumn[RandomChoice[slices, 9], 3]

enter image description here

Alternatively, Ball can be used instead of Sphere in order to avoid the FillingTransform operation.

n = 150; r = 10; s = 20;
balls = Table[Ball[RandomReal[{0, n}, 3], RandomReal[{1, r}]], {s}];
mesh = DiscretizeRegion[RegionUnion@balls, MaxCellMeasure -> 1, 
   PerformanceGoal -> "Speed"];

bounds = Table[{0, n}, {3}]; size = 100;
img = RegionImage[mesh, bounds, RasterSize -> size]

enter image description here

slices = Image3DSlices[Binarize@img];
Multicolumn[RandomChoice[slices, 9], 3]

enter image description here

ImageDimensions /@ slices // Tally

{{{100, 100}, 100}}

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Thank you so much! Your answer is very useful. Thanks again!! $\endgroup$
    – rani
    Commented May 24 at 14:33

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