I want to get 100 images of 100x100 size 2D image data with "Image3DSlices" command.
randomSpheres = Table[{Sphere[RandomReal[{0, 150}, 3], RandomReal[{1, 10}]]}, {20}]
g3 = Graphics3D[randomSpheres] (*... eq2*)
si2 = RegionImage[DiscretizeGraphics[g3]];
si3 = si2 // FillingTransform // Binarize;
slice = Image3DSlices[si3]
However, I cannot set the size of each image of slice... The size seems to be the value of "PlotRange->All", everytime differnet size because the spheres radius and center coodinate are random. I want to make Dimensions of each image of "slice" to be 100x100, as
Dimensions[ImageData[slice[[i]]]] = {100, 100}
for i th image.
Besides, the number of "slice" also seems to depend on the "PlotRange->All" of z direction. I want the number of 2D pictures(="slice") to be 100, but
differs everytime... If someone who knows how to get the cubic data, please tell me.
I tried to change eq2 as
g3 = Graphics3D[randomSpheres, PlotRange -> {{0, 100}, {0, 100}, {0, 100}}]
However, the dimensions of each "slice" image was not 100x100 still. Moreover, some of the spheres were not fully filled... In desired images, all spheres should be filled.
slice = ImageResize[#, {100, 100}] & /@ slice;
? Leaving this as a comment because it doesn't answer the other parts of the question $\endgroup$