I want to make curve with polynominal function like this figure
but only 2 known point to solve this one. I try to used solve function for this one. but the result is not the same like the figure.
here is my code
h1 = 50;
h2 = 80;
\[Theta]1 = 5 \[Pi];
\[Theta]2 = 9 \[Pi];
eq1 = a0 + (a1*\[Theta]1) + (a2*\[Theta]1^2) + (a3*\[Theta]1^3) ==
eq2 = a1 + (a2*\[Theta]1) + (a3*\[Theta]1^2) == 0;
eq3 = a0 + (a1*\[Theta]2) + (a2*\[Theta]2^2) + (a3*\[Theta]2^3) ==
eq4 = a1 + (a2*\[Theta]2) + (a3*\[Theta]2^2) == 0;
va = NSolve[{eq1, eq2, eq3, eq4}, {a0, a1, a2, a3}, Reals,
WorkingPrecision -> 7];
eq = (a0 + a1 # + a2 #^2 + a3 #^3) &;
P = eq[t] /. va[[1]] // N
Plot[P, {t, \[Theta]1, \[Theta]2}]
this is my curve result with that code
Thank you everyone