
Rotation speed vc[R] in reduced units for M33 looks like

0.342331 Sqrt[R^2/(0.728117 + R^2)^0.87955]

Knowing e=0.995, I am trying to get the density Rho[m]from the equation

vc[R]^2 == Integrate[(4 Pi Sqrt[1 - e^2] m^2  Rho[m])/  Sqrt[-e^2 m^2 + R^2], {m, 0, R}]

This equation comes from Galactic Dynamics Binney Tremaine 2008. (2.132)

Using trial and error, I obtain a "good" solution for Rho[m], but it is very time expensive.

Does anybody knows how to solve this equation to get Rho[m]?

Thanks in advance.

  • 3
    $\begingroup$ Please add the Mathematica code that you obtain a "good" solution for Rho[m] ? $\endgroup$ Commented Oct 18, 2023 at 13:44
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ What's the value of parameter R? $\endgroup$ Commented Oct 18, 2023 at 16:00
  • $\begingroup$ This is just an idea, but it might lead to a workable approach. Define the shorthand notation eqn[R_, e_] = vc[R]^2 == Integrate[...]. Then (if e = 0.1, for instance) evaluate Series[eqn[R, 0.1], {R, 0, n}] // Normal // PowerExpand for various n = 2, 3, 4, .... Comparing coefficients of powers of R allows you to solve for the derivatives of Rho[m] at m == 0. $\endgroup$ Commented Oct 18, 2023 at 18:01
  • $\begingroup$ 1. Please show us the data text for creating the interpolating function, not a picture of it. 2. I believe all the methods below will work on this interpolating function. $\endgroup$
    – xzczd
    Commented Oct 26, 2023 at 14:42
  • 2
    $\begingroup$ @xzczd I think he should delete the extra part and start a new post explaining what didn't work for him. $\endgroup$ Commented Oct 26, 2023 at 15:05

6 Answers 6


Here my third answer which solves case R==25 .

This approach uses an interpolation-function (instead of wavelets or FEM) to describe the unknown function rho[R] and evaluates the integrations using Gauss quadratur.

e = 0.995;
v[R_] := 0.342331 Sqrt[R^2/(0.728117 + R^2)^0.87955] ;
Rmin = 0; Rmax = 25;
ni = 25 ; 


(* grid R *)
riGrid[n_] := 
Block[{dt, \[CapitalDelta]t0, \[CapitalDelta]t1, zw, sol}, 
dt = Map[ \[CapitalDelta]t0 + (\[CapitalDelta]t1 - \
\[CapitalDelta]t0) (#/Rmax)^2 &, Subdivide[0, Rmax, n]];
zw = Accumulate[dt] ;
sol = Solve[{zw[[1]] == 0,zw[[-1]] == Rmax}, {\[CapitalDelta]t0,\[CapitalDelta]t1}][[1]];
zw /. sol  // N]

ri=riGrid[ni]; (* problem adapted grid *)
\[Rho]i = Array[\[Rho], Length[ri]];
swGauss = 
 GaussianQuadratureWeights[ 15, 0, e] ;(*Stützstellen&Gewichte*)

zwv = Function[{RR}, Evaluate[  v[RR] ^2/(4 Pi RR^2 ) ]];

JJ = Sum[ (zwv[R]   - 
      Sqrt[1 - e^2]/
       e^3 Total@
        Map[#[[2]] #[[1]]^2 /
           Sqrt[1 - #[[1]]^2] Interpolation[
             Transpose[{Rationalize[ri], \[Rho]i}]][#[[1]]  R/e ] & , 
         swGauss] )^2, {R, ri}];
mini00 = NMinimize[{JJ }, \[Rho]i]; // AbsoluteTiming
ListPlot[Rest@Transpose[{ri, \[Rho]i} /. mini00[[2]]]]

enter image description here

  • $\begingroup$ Well, I see that Rémy Galli upvoted your answer, but there is no answer to the first question in your post. Maybe you need to add answer to the first question as well? $\endgroup$ Commented Oct 26, 2023 at 15:11
  • $\begingroup$ @AlexTrounev What is the " first question" ? I only tried to find the unknown density Rho[m] $\endgroup$ Commented Oct 26, 2023 at 15:19
  • $\begingroup$ Thank you very much (+1). :) $\endgroup$ Commented Oct 27, 2023 at 2:35

We can solve this problem using colocation method with Euler wavelets ang Gauss quadrature rule. First we define interval $0\le R\le Rmax$ and map interval $(0,R)$, on R/2 (1+z) with $-1\le z \le 1$ in integrand, then the Volterra integral equation becomes Fredholm integral equation. Before code please call



e = 0.995;
v[R_] := 0.342331 Sqrt[R^2/(0.728117 + R^2)^0.87955];
Rmin = 0; Rmax = 5;
UE[m_, t_] := EulerE[m, t];
psi[k_, n_, m_, t_] := 
  Piecewise[{{2^(k/2)  UE[m, 2^k t - 2 n + 1], (n - 1)/2^(k - 1) <= 
      t < n/2^(k - 1)}, {0, True}}];
PsiE[k_, M_, t_] := 
 Flatten[Table[psi[k, n, m, t], {n, 1, 2^(k - 1)}, {m, 0, M - 1}]]
k0 = 4; M0 = 7; With[{k = k0, M = M0}, 
 nn = Length[Flatten[Table[1, {n, 1, 2^(k - 1)}, {m, 0, M - 1}]]]];
dx = 1/(nn); xl = Table[l*dx, {l, 0, nn}]; M = nn; np = nn; g = 
 GaussianQuadratureWeights[np, -1, 1];
ugrid = g[[All, 1]]; weights = g[[All, 2]]; xcol = 
 Table[(xl[[l - 1]] + xl[[l]])/2, {l, 2, nn + 1}]; Psijk = 
 With[{k = k0, M = M0}, PsiE[k, M, t1]];
Psi[y_] := Psijk /. t1 -> y;
A = Array[a, nn]; Rho[y_] := A . Psi[y];
eqs = Table[
   v[Rmax x]^2 == 
    0.31376632053307746 (Rmax x)^2/
      2 Sum[( (1 + z)^2 Rho[ 1/2 x (1 + z)] weights[[i]])/Sqrt[
       1 - 0.24750625 (1 + z)^2] /. z -> ugrid[[i]], {i, np}], {x, 

{vec, mat} = CoefficientArrays[eqs, A]

sol = LinearSolve[mat // N, -vec];

rul = Table[A[[i]] -> sol[[i]], {i, nn}]; p=Plot[
 Rho[x/Rmax] /. rul, {x, 0, Rmax}, PlotRange -> {0, .2}, AxesLabel -> {"R", "\[Rho]"}]

Figure 1

Update 1. We can compare this solution (solid line) with Ulrich solution at Rmax=5 (red dashed line) as follows

    e = 0.995;
v[R_] := 0.342331 Sqrt[R^2/(0.728117 + R^2)^0.87955];
Rmin = 0; Rmax = 5;
ni = 50;
ri = Subdivide[Rmin, Rmax, ni];

f[G_] := 
  Block[{R, m, zw = Simplify[v[R] v'[R]/(2 \[Pi] R)]}, 
    Table[{R, ( 
       Sqrt[1 - e^2]/e^3 NIntegrate[( s^2 G[s R/e])/(-s^2 + 1)^(
          3/2), {s, 0, e}, Method -> "LocalAdaptive"] + zw )}, {R, 

solf = NestList[f, .18/(1 + #^2) &, 20]; p1 = 
 Plot[solf[[-1]][R], {R, Rmin, Rmax}, PlotStyle -> {Dashed, Red}]

Figure 2

We see a small discrepancy that disappears as the number of iterations increases.

Update 2. We can use also power series as Stephen proposed. Using NMinimize we can simplifier this method as follows (m->R/e s)

int = 
 Table[Integrate[( s^2 s^i)/Sqrt[- s^2 + 1], s], {i, 0, 10}];

int0 = N[int /. s -> 10^-16, 30];

int1 = int /. s -> e;

A = Table[(R/e)^i, {i, 0, 10}]; B = Array[b, Length[A]];

dint = int1 - int0; r = Range[0, 1, 1/10];  
eq = Table[-v[R]^2 + 
    4 Pi Sqrt[1 - e^2] R^2/e^3 Sum[
      A[[i]] B[[i]] dint[[i]], {i, Length[A]}], {R, r}];

sol1 = NMinimize[eq . eq, B];

p2 = Plot[A . B /. sol1[[2]], {R, 0, 1}, PlotStyle -> {Red, Dashed}];

Visualization together with wavelets solution


Figure 3

We see nice agreement for power series solution and wavelets solution. Note that we can extend power series up to R=5 using this code

e = 0.995;
v[R_] := 0.342331 Sqrt[R^2/(0.728117 + R^2)^0.87955];
Rmin = 0; Rmax = 5;

int = Table[Integrate[(s^2 s^i)/Sqrt[-s^2 + 1], s], {i, 0, 10}];

int0 = N[int /. s -> 10^-16, 30];

int1 = int /. s -> e;

A = Table[(R/e)^i, {i, 0, 10}]; B = Array[b, Length[A]];

dint = int1 - int0;
Do[rr[i] = Subdivide[i, i + 1, Length[A]];
  eqs[i] = 
   Table[-v[R]^2 + 
     4 Pi Sqrt[1 - e^2] R^2/e^3 Sum[
       A[[i]] B[[i]] dint[[i]], {i, Length[A]}], {R, rr[i]}];
  sol[i] = NMinimize[eqs[i] . eqs[i], B]; 
  pp[i] = Plot[A . B /. sol[i][[2]], {R, i, i + 1}, 
    PlotStyle -> {Red, Dashed}, PlotRange -> All];, {i, 0, 4}];

Finally we compare power series solution and wavelets solutions in one plot

Show[p,Table[pp[i], {i, 0, 4}]] 

Figure 4

Update 3. To compute solution up to R=10 we need to improve wavelets numerical algorithm using NIntegrate instead of the Gauss quadrature rule. So we have

e = 0.995; lambda = 4 Sqrt[1 - e^2] \[Pi] /e^3;
v[R_] := 0.342331 Sqrt[R^2/(0.728117 + R^2)^0.87955];
UE[m_, t_] := EulerE[m, t];
psi[k_, n_, m_, t_] := 
  Piecewise[{{2^(k/2) UE[m, 2^k t - 2 n + 1], (n - 1)/2^(k - 1) <= t <=
       n/2^(k - 1)}, {0, True}}];
PsiE[k_, M_, t_] := 
 Flatten[Table[psi[k, n, m, t], {n, 1, 2^(k - 1)}, {m, 0, M - 1}]]
k0 = 4; M0 = 7; With[{k = k0, M = M0}, 
 nn = Length[Flatten[Table[1, {n, 1, 2^(k - 1)}, {m, 0, M - 1}]]]];
dx = 1/(nn); xl = Table[l*dx, {l, 0, nn}]; xcol = 
 Table[(xl[[l - 1]] + xl[[l]])/2, {l, 2, nn + 1}]; Psijk = 
 With[{k = k0, M = M0}, PsiE[k, M, t1]];
Psi[y_] := Psijk /. t1 -> y;
A = Array[a, nn]; Rho[y_] := A . Psi[y];
int[x_] := 
  NIntegrate[ z^2 Psi[( x z)/e]/Sqrt[1 - z^2], {z, 0, e}, 
   Method -> "LocalAdaptive", AccuracyGoal -> 5];
eq[Rmin_, Rmax_] := 
  Table[(v[Rmin + (Rmax - Rmin) x]/(Rmin + (Rmax - Rmin) x))^2 == 
    lambda A . int[x], {x, xcol}];

Numerical solution

sol10 = NSolve[eq[0, 10], A];

Visualization together with p and separately

{p10 = Plot[Rho[x/10] /. sol10[[1]], {x, 0, 10}, PlotRange -> {0, .2}, 
   AxesLabel -> {"R", "\[Rho]"}, PlotStyle -> {Red, Dashed}], Show[p,p10]}

Figure 5

  • $\begingroup$ Nice answer. How did you find the restriction 0<R<1? $\endgroup$ Commented Oct 19, 2023 at 21:17
  • $\begingroup$ @UlrichNeumann I have published several papers on the rotation of galaxies. Actually it could be better to solve on $0\le R\le 10$. But the Euler wavelets collocation method is stably on unit interval. $\endgroup$ Commented Oct 20, 2023 at 3:18
  • $\begingroup$ I found an iterative solution which seem to work for case Rmax=10 too $\endgroup$ Commented Oct 20, 2023 at 20:26
  • $\begingroup$ @UlrichNeumann See updated Update 1 to my answer. :) $\endgroup$ Commented Oct 21, 2023 at 15:13
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ @UlrichNeumann Because in your case the integral equation is singular at R->0. To remove this singularity we can make substitution m->s R/e, then we come to equation as in my answer. $\endgroup$ Commented Oct 22, 2023 at 11:10

Here is a series expansion solution based on the idea that I mentioned in an earlier comment. Within the range of validity of the series expansion it leads to a result that is numerically very similar to the result obtained by Alex Trounev.

Definitions given in the original question.

vc[R_] = 0.342331 Sqrt[R^2/(0.728117 + R^2)^0.87955]

eqn[R_, e_] = 
 vc[R]^2 == 
  Integrate[(4 Pi Sqrt[1 - e^2] m^2 Rho[m])/Sqrt[-e^2 m^2 + R^2], {m, 0, R}]

The solution strategy is to use the series expansion of the equation about R = 0 to compute the derivatives of Rho[m] at m = 0.

Check the first few terms of this series for e = 0.995.

eqnSeries = Series[eqn[R, 0.995], {R, 0, 2}] // PowerExpand;
SolveAlways[eqnSeries, R]
(* {{Rho[0] -> 0.177325}} *)
eqnSeries = Series[eqn[R, 0.995], {R, 0, 3}] // PowerExpand;
SolveAlways[eqnSeries, R]
(* {{Rho[0] -> 0.177325, Derivative[1][Rho][0] -> 0.}} *)
eqnSeries = Series[eqn[R, 0.995], {R, 0, 4}] // PowerExpand;
SolveAlways[eqnSeries, R]
(* {{Rho[0] -> 0.177325, Derivative[1][Rho][0] -> 0., (Rho^\[Prime]\[Prime])[0] -> -0.593919}} *)

Switch to a fully algebraic solution. Save the variable values in a list of rules for later use.

vals = {a -> 0.342331, b -> 0.728117, c -> 0.87955, e -> 0.995};

Fully algebraic version of the definitions given in the question. Transform the integral using m = R s so that 0 < m < R is transformed to 0 < s < 1.

vc[R_, {a_, b_, c_}] = a Sqrt[R^2/(b + R^2)^c]

eqn[R_, {a_, b_, c_}, e_] = 
 vc[R, {a, b, c}]^2 == 
  R^2 Integrate[(4 Pi Sqrt[1 - e^2] s^2 Rho[R s])/Sqrt[-e^2 s^2 + 1], {s, 0, 1}]

Coefficient of R^p on the left hand side of the equation.

lhs[p_] = SeriesCoefficient[eqn[R, {a, b, c}, e][[1]], {R, 0, p}]

(* piecewise expression with all odd-p coefficients being zero *)

Series expand Rho[x] about x = 0.

Sum[(x^p/p!)*Derivative[p][Rho][0], {p, 0, Infinity}]

The p-th term of the series on the right hand side of the equation.

rhs[p_] = 
 Assuming[{0 < e <= 1, p >= 0, p \[Element] Integers}, 
  (eqn[R, {a, b, c}, e][[2]] /. {Rho[R s] -> (R s)^p/p! Derivative[p][Rho][0]})]

(* expression with a hypergeometric function in it *)

Equate corresponding powers on the left and right hand sides of the equation, and solve for the corresponding derivative of Rho[x] at x = 0.

eqnSeries = Simplify[lhs[p + 2] R^(p + 2)] == rhs[p];
soln = Solve[eqnSeries, Derivative[p][Rho][0]][[1]] // 
  Simplify[#, Assumptions -> {a > 0, 0 < b < 1, 0 < c < 1, p \[Element] Integers, p >= 0}] &

(* piecewise expression for Derivative[p][Rho][0] with all odd-p derivatives being zero *)

Substitute in the numerical values of the variables.

solnN = soln /. vals // Simplify[#, Assumptions -> {p \[Element] Integers, p >= 0}] &

Compute a table of the first few terms of the series expansion Rho[x] about x = 0.

Table[{p, R^p Derivative[p][Rho][0]/p!} /. solnN /. {R -> 0.5}, {p, 0, 10}] // Grid

(* table showing nice series convergence, at least for this value of R *)

Here is a rough-and-ready routine (0 < R < 0.82 or thereabouts) for numerically summing the series.

sumSeries[R_, error_ : 10^(-6)] :=
  Module[{term = 1, sum = 0, q = 0, qstep = 2, coefft},
   coefft = Derivative[p][Rho][0] /. solnN;
   While[Abs[term] > error,
    term = R^p coefft/p! /. p -> q;
    sum += term;
    q += qstep];

Plot Rho[R].

Plot[sumSeries[R], {R, 0, 0.82}, PlotRange -> {Automatic, {0, 0.2}}, 
 Frame -> True, FrameLabel -> {"R", "Rho[R]"}]

enter image description here

This numerical result is very similar to the one computed by Alex Trounev. However I find that my series expansion diverges for R > 0.82 or thereabouts.

  • $\begingroup$ This is nice approach (+1). We can simplifier this method using NMinimize - see Update 2 to my answer. $\endgroup$ Commented Oct 21, 2023 at 5:48

Here I 'll show an iterative solution.

First the integralequation is differentiated D[....,R] . This finally gives

rho[R] == (v[R] v'[R])/(2 Pi R) + Integrate[rho[m] m^2 Sqrt[1 - e^2]/Sqrt[R^2 - e^2 m^2]^3 , {m, 0, R} ]

This integralequation is solved numerically (using NIntegrate , Interpolation and NestList)

e = 0.995;
v[R_] := 0.342331 Sqrt[R^2/(0.728117 + R^2)^0.87955] //Rationalize[#, 0] &;
Rmin = 0; Rmax = 10;
ni =  25;  
ri = Subdivide[0, Rmax, ni];

gfip[G_] := Block[{ R, m, zw = Simplify[(v[R] v'[R])/(2 Pi R)]},
 zw + NIntegrate[G[m] m^2  Sqrt[1 - e^2]/Sqrt[R^2 - e^2 m^2]^3 , {m, 0, R}  , 
   Method ->  "LocalAdaptive"  ] }, {R, ri}]   ]]
solf=solf = NestList[gfip, 0 &, 10]; 

Plot[ solf[[-1]] [R] , {R, 0, Rmax}, PlotRange -> All,AxesLabel -> {"R", "rho[R]"}]

enter image description here

  • $\begingroup$ This is nice approach (+1). With small modification your solution consider with my solution for R>0.2 at Rmax=5 - see Update 1 to my code. $\endgroup$ Commented Oct 21, 2023 at 4:15
  • $\begingroup$ @AlecTrounev Thanks! From the differentiated integralequation I would expect rho[0]==Limit[v[R]v'[R]/(2Pi R),R->0]==.025, but your solution starts with rho[0]==.18. What is the reason for this difference? $\endgroup$ Commented Oct 21, 2023 at 10:29
  • $\begingroup$ You suppose that Integrate[G[m] m^2 Sqrt[1 - e^2]/Sqrt[R^2 - e^2 m^2]^3 , {m, 0, R}]->0 at R->0. But it is not right. If we do the substitution m->s R/e, then we have G[0] Sqrt[1 - e^2]/e^3 Integrate[s^2/Sqrt[1-s^2]^3,{s,0, e}]=G[0] int[e], where int[0.995]=0.860958. Therefore rho[0]=.025/(1-int[e])=0.179802 :) $\endgroup$ Commented Oct 21, 2023 at 13:05
  • $\begingroup$ @AlexTrounev Thanks, understood. "Wrong" integration variable is the reason for our different simulation results too? $\endgroup$ Commented Oct 21, 2023 at 13:22
  • $\begingroup$ I managed to improve your method, so now there is no discrepancy with the wavelet method. See my updated answer. $\endgroup$ Commented Oct 21, 2023 at 15:10

modified: Case Rmax==25

Inspired by the interesting discussion with Alex I found a direct approach, using a simple polygonal ansatz( borrowed from FEM). It solves the original integralequation, transformed via m->s R/e.

e = 0.995;
v[R_] := 0.342331 Sqrt[R^2/(0.728117 + R^2)^0.87955] ;
Rmin = 0; Rmax = 25;
ni = 25 ; 


riGrid[n_] := 
Block[{dt, \[CapitalDelta]t0, \[CapitalDelta]t1, zw, sol}, 
dt = Map[ \[CapitalDelta]t0 + (\[CapitalDelta]t1 - \
\[CapitalDelta]t0) (#/Rmax)^2 &, Subdivide[0, Rmax, n]];
zw = Accumulate[dt] ;
sol = Solve[{zw[[1]] == 0,zw[[-1]] == Rmax}, {\[CapitalDelta]t0,\[CapitalDelta]t1}][[1]];
zw /. sol  // N]

ri=riGrid[ni]; (* problem adapted grid *)
\[Rho]i = Table[\[Rho][k], {k, 1, Length[ri]}];

netz = ToElementMesh[Map[{#} &, ri]]
\[Phi]i =Map[ElementMeshInterpolation[netz, #] &,IdentityMatrix[Length[ri]]];

Plot[Evaluate[Through[\[Phi]i[R]]], {R, 0, Rmax}]
[![enter image description here][1]][1]

int[R_?NumericQ] := 
Block[{zwv = Function[{RR}, Evaluate[  v[RR] ^2/(4 Pi RR^2 ) ]]},
zwv[R] -Sqrt[1 - e^2]/e^3 NIntegrate[s^2 /Sqrt[1 - s^2] Through[\[Phi]i[s R/e]], {s, 0, e}, Method -> {"FiniteElement", "LocalAdaptive"}[[1]]] . \[Rho]i]

zwint = Table[int[R], {R, ri}] /. 0. -> 0 // Quiet;
mini0 = NMinimize[zwint . zwint, \[Rho]i ]
ListPlot[Rest@Transpose[{ri, \[Rho]i} /. mini0[[2]]],GridLines->{ri,None}]

enter image description here

The solution agrees quite well with solutions presented by Alex.

  • $\begingroup$ @ All Sorry , I was away the last few days. Thanks for your answers , this is very useful. $\endgroup$ Commented Oct 23, 2023 at 13:13
  • $\begingroup$ @All I need a solution from R=0 to R=10 , and I observe some oscillations in Alex proposal when R>5. Alex solution is fast but this is a decomposition in wavelets not very easy to manipulate... $\endgroup$ Commented Oct 23, 2023 at 13:15
  • $\begingroup$ @ Alex Thank you very muche for this great job. Why is there oscillations if I change Rma to 10 ? Because I need the solution between {0,10} ? $\endgroup$ Commented Oct 23, 2023 at 13:23
  • $\begingroup$ @Alex and Ulrich Ulrich solution modified by Alex is fine. It looks like Picard solution of Volterra integral of second kind. This gives an Interpolating function easy to manipulate. But, where does come the factor 0.18 from ??? $\endgroup$ Commented Oct 23, 2023 at 13:27
  • $\begingroup$ Thank you for your last solution using FEM. Naive question : how did you choose ri coefficients ? $\endgroup$ Commented Oct 23, 2023 at 13:59

Here's a solution based on discretization of the integral using the trapezoid rule: yeah it's simple and naive, but it works!

As shown in other answers, the precision for small $R$ is a bit hard to raise. In this answer, the issue is resolved with graded mesh, which is part of the built-in FEM functionality.

In the following code I've also included a solasymp which is essentially a simplification of Stephen Luttrell's method for small $R$.

e = 0.995;
vc[R_] = 0.342331  Sqrt[R^2/(0.728117 + R^2)^0.87955];

domain = {0, 5}; points = 1000;

<< NDSolve`FEM`
grid = ToGradedMesh[
     Line[List /@ domain], <|"Alignment" -> "Left", "ElementCount" -> points, 
      "GradingRatio" -> 1.01|>, MeshOrder -> 1]["Coordinates"] // Flatten;

int[expr_, {var_, 0, r_?NumericQ}] := 
 With[{pos = Ordering[Abs[grid - r], 1][[1]]}, 
  trap[Function @@ {var, expr}, grid[[;; pos]]]]

trap[f_, grid_] := 
  With[{dlst = Differences@grid}, (Total[dlst (f /@ Most@grid + f /@ Rest@grid)])/2];

expr = (4 π Sqrt[1 - e^2] m^2 Rho[m])/Sqrt[-e^2 m^2 + R^2];
eq = vc[R]^2 == int[expr, {m, 0, R}];
ae = Table[eq, {R, Rest@grid}]; // AbsoluteTiming
(* {4.3569, Null} *)
solasymp[R_] = 
 Rho[R] /. First@
   Simplify[Solve[vc[R]^2 == AsymptoticIntegrate[expr, {m, 0, R}, R -> 0], Rho[R]], 
    R > 0]
(* 0.134143/(0.728117 + R^2)^0.87955 *)
sollst = LinearSolve[#2, -#1] & @@ 
    CoefficientArrays[ae, Rho /@ Rest@grid]; // AbsoluteTiming

Show[p, ListLinePlot[{grid // Rest, sollst}\[Transpose], PlotRange -> All, 
  PlotStyle -> {Red, Dashed}], Plot[solasymp[x], {x, 0, 0.5}, PlotStyle -> Gray]]
(* {5.58611, Null} *)

enter image description here

Definition of p is the same as that in Alex's answer. We can see the numeric error for very small $R$ is a bit obvious, but given that the influenced domain is quite narrow, we can simply ignore it. Alternatively, we may turn to the asymptotic solution solasymp to supplement the function value for very small $R$.

  • $\begingroup$ Jump at R->0 is not clear. We discussed with Ulrich that it should be rho[0]=.025/(1-int[e])=0.179802, where int[e]=Sqrt[1 - e^2]/e^3 Integrate[s^2/Sqrt[1-s^2]^3,{s,0, e}], and therefore int[0.995]=0.860958. But in your solution we see jump from 0.025 to 0.179802, same as in the wrong iterative solution in the first answer @Ulrich :) $\endgroup$ Commented Oct 27, 2023 at 2:51
  • $\begingroup$ @AlexTrounev Yeah but the jump area is quite narrow, we can simply treat it as numeric error (actually, I believe it's just numeric error, after checking various settings for points), and use the solasymp to supplement the function value for very small $R$ if necessary. $\endgroup$
    – xzczd
    Commented Oct 27, 2023 at 2:56
  • $\begingroup$ I see that you used asymptotic solution as well. We can exclude singularity at R->0 by substitution m=s R/e. $\endgroup$ Commented Oct 27, 2023 at 3:14
  • $\begingroup$ @AlexTrounev Yeah, I've seen your clever treatment, but still decide to solve this problem in a manner as naive as possible :) . $\endgroup$
    – xzczd
    Commented Oct 27, 2023 at 3:19
  • $\begingroup$ @Alex I just took a closer look at the change of variable m == R/e. If I understand it correctly, this won't play a role in numeric solving (at least for my method, I haven't looked into other answers yet), because the Rho term always disappear for R == 0, so I'll only have equations for Rho/@Rest@grid in the end. $\endgroup$
    – xzczd
    Commented Oct 27, 2023 at 4:04

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