I am running NonlinearModelFit
based off of some simulated data and trying to fit to a function with more than one parameter. Eventually, I would like to fit to 5 parameters (Right now I'm just trying to get it working with 2 parameters), but the output covariance matrix is almost all 0's. I believe this stems from the fact that the estimated error for some of my parameters is 0, which I know cannot be the case.
I will outline as best as possible my methodology below:
Data creation. (This data takes the model and adds a Gaussian error for each data point.) Note that I had to set the precision higher because of some numerical accuracy issues.
AU = 149597871000; G = 6.67428`20*^-11; GMsun = 1.32712442099`20*^20; GMjup = GMsun/1047.348644`20; rJup = 5.2`20 AU; lambda = 20 AU; dela = 10^-11; Data[dist_] := { dist, GMsun/dist^2 + (GMjup dist)/(dist^2 + rJup^2)^(3/2) + RandomVariate[NormalDistribution[], WorkingPrecision -> 20] dela }; Model[dist_, alpha_, jupiter_] := GMsun/dist^2 (1 + alpha Exp[-dist/lambda]) + (G jupiter dist)/(dist^2 + rJup^2)^(3/2); Dat = Table[Data[x], {x, AU, 100 AU, AU}];
Then for a simple case I tried to fit to my model:
NLM = NonlinearModelFit[Dat, Model[dist, alpha, jupiter], {{alpha, 10^-4}, {jupiter, 10^27}}, {dist}, WorkingPrecision -> 20]; NLM["ParameterTable"]
But what this does is output the following:
Similarly, when I output the covariance matrix I get:
(* -> {{2.762131253783*10^-18, 0},
{0, 0}} *)
My question is this: Why do I get 0's in my covariance matrix? Clearly these 0's stem from the 0 standard error for the jupiter
parameter, but shouldn't there be some associated standard error with jupiter
just as there is with alpha
Thank you so much