I am looking to do a generalist job. For that I need to know the number of parameters. For now I'm using a true/false:
ExtrudeTranform3[sketch_, vector_,
transfo_, {tx_, ty_, tz_}, {rg_, rx_, ry_, rz_}] :=
If[transfo = true,
GeometricTransformation[RegionProduct[skech, line],
Composition[TranlationTranform[{tx, ty, tz}],
RotationTransform[rg, {rx, ry, rz}]]],
GeometricTransformation[Extrude[sketch, vector]]]
But I would like to know how to count the number of parameters in order to perform, for example, the transformation here only if the parameters tx, ty, tz, tg, rx, ry, rz are entered by the user. Thanks in advance