I am trying to find the result of $$\int x^{-d/2}(1-x)^{(d-3)/2}dx$$ where $0<x<1$ and $d\ge2$ is an integer.
Mathematica gives the following:
Integrate[x^(-d/2) (1 - x)^((d - 3)/2), x, Assumptions -> 0 < x < 1]
-((2 x^(1 - d/2)Hypergeometric2F1[(3 - d)/2, 1 - d/2, 2 - d/2, x])/(-2 + d))
This seems to be fine except for even values of $d\ge4$ because in this case the hypergeometric series is not defined. I've also tried the following:
d = 2 k;
$Assumptions = k > 0 && k \[Element] Integers;
Integrate[x^(-d/2) (1 - x)^((d - 3)/2), x, Assumptions -> 0 < x < 1]
but Mathematica still gives the same expression:
(x^(1 - k) Hypergeometric2F1[1 - k, 3/2 - k, 2 - k, x])/(1 - k)
If I try to evaluate this expression for any integer value of $k\ge1$ it gives
as expected.
However, the integral clearly exists as if I tell Mathematica to integrate $\int x^{-d/2}(1-x)^{(d-3)/2}dx$ for a specific value of $d$ it always gives an answer; for example, for $d=4$:
d = 4;
Integrate[x^(-d/2) (1 - x)^((d - 3)/2), x, Assumptions -> 0 < x < 1]
-(Sqrt[1 - x]/x) + ArcTanh[Sqrt[1 - x]]
I need an expression for general $d$, however. Any idea how I can get Mathematica to do this integral in general?
Integrate[(1 - x)^(1/2 (-3 + d)) x^(-d/2), {x, 0, 1}]
. This gives $\Gamma \left(1-d/2\right) \Gamma \left((d-1)/2\right)/\sqrt{\pi }$ for $1< d < 2$. $\endgroup$