As asked in this question, I strongly prefer to use "mathematical" typography in Mathematica over text-based ("computer science") typography. Nevertheless, it sometimes fails for no reason I can discern.
Here's a text-based proof from formal logic:
basicAxioms = {ForAll[{a, b}, And[a, b] == And[b, a]],
ForAll[{a, b}, Or[a, b] == Or[b, a]]};
mybasicProof = FindEquationalProof[And[a, b] == And[b, a], basicAxioms]
which yields a perfectly normal proof, as can be seen by
But the (apparently) equivalent set of axioms and proof, expressed in mathematical typography, fails:
basicAxioms2 = {
\*SubscriptBox[\(\[ForAll]\), \(\({a, b}\)\(\ \)\)]a\) \[And]
b == b \[And] a,
\*SubscriptBox[\(\[ForAll]\), \(\({a, b}\)\(\ \)\)]a\) \[Or]
b == b \[Or] a};
FindEquationalProof[a \[And] b == b \[And] a, basicAxioms2]
How can I express the axioms and proof using mathematical typography, and not ForAll[]
, And[]
, Or[]
, and such text-based entry?
a \[And] b == c
is parsed asAnd[a, b==c]
and notEqual[And[a, b], c]
. $\endgroup$mybasicProof["ProofNotebook"]
does not work the job. $\endgroup$