Ok, mea culpa, I got it wrong.
Try 2:
n = 9;
domain = Chop[N[Range[2^(-n), 0.9999999999, 2^(-n)]]];
data = Transpose[{domain, InverseCDF[NormalDistribution[0, 1], domain]}];
indices = (ToString[PaddedForm[#1, 2, NumberPadding -> {"0", "0"}]] & ) /@ Range[0, n];
symbols = (Symbol[StringJoin["x", #1]] & ) /@ indices;
expr = symbols . (ChebyshevT[#1, x] & ) /@ Range[0, Length[indices] - 1];
result = FindFit[data, expr, symbols, x];
function = Function[x, Evaluate[FullSimplify[expr /. result]]]
Function[x, -2.694070753447704 +
x*(36.02463367942255 + x*(-414.4544969663766 + x*(2919.8339303927346 +
x*(-12190.359149188691 + x*(31174.896173249082 + x*(-49278.882209269956 + x*(46908.437339362164 +
x*(-24621.56753111048 + 5471.459451358962*x))))))))]
Plot[function[y] - InverseCDF[NormalDistribution[0, 1], y], {y, 0, 1}, PlotRange -> {{0, 1}, {-12^(-1), 1/12}}]
Function[x, -3.1981139183044434 +
x*(141.82176399230957 + x*(-7424.74800491333 + x*(236253.08526611328 +
x*(-4.680630958251953*^6 + x*(6.148906216479492*^7 + x*(-5.613556024174805*^8 + x*(3.674661709173828*^9 +
x*(-1.7557128799768555*^10 + x*(6.145958481669141*^10 + x*(-1.5509398689283594*^11 + x*(2.657566083774026*^11 +
x*(-2.4466979730388477*^11 + x*(-9.471151854829346*^10 + x*(6.752732365297246*^11 +
x*(-9.872581110395927*^11 + x*(5.544094557729795*^11 + x*(3.4958797462575586*^11 +
x*(-8.717278427261528*^11 + x*(6.23268006496337*^11 + x*(-8.207324068464363*^10 +
x*(-1.7954943836313046*^11 + x*(1.3475389531949298*^11 + x*(-3.772789388590992*^10 +
x*(1.9975620443267794*^9 + 6.922907598366096*^8*x))))))))))))))))))))))))]
The maximum deviation generally stays below $0.05$ until close to the exterme values. The definition of extreme values changes by changes of $n$ values. Try values of $n$ until a satisfactory result is found.
Of course, I still may have missed something.
on the result to obtain-Sqrt[-2 Log[y] - Log[-2 π Log[2 π y^2]]] + ...
$\endgroup$FullSimplify[Series[f[y], {y, 0, 1}]] /. Log[_ Log[_]] :> 0
. But since you mention that you also want to get higher-order terms: I am afraid this is not directly possible in Mathematica. You can see that the expansion is the same, no matter how many terms you specify inSeries
. That is because Mathematica uses its tabulated series forInverseErfc
at $x\to0$, which is a fixed expression. $\endgroup$Series[]
expansion ofInverseErf[x]
around x=1?, and the corresponding answer by @user293787. $\endgroup$