Bug introduced in 13.1, and fixed in 13.2.
I'm trying the following locally (13.1.0 for Mac) and getting incorrect result
Integrate[1/(x + 1)^2 Exp[-t 1/(x + 1)^2], {x, 0, \[Infinity]}] /.
t -> 3. (* 0.0575796 *)
This answer is wrong.
I get the correct answer 0.504344
when running same expression on Wolfram Cloud (13.2.0).
Is this a bug in 13.1, corrupted local state, or something else?
Because of this, I can't rerun the notebook from this post anymore, any workarounds appreciated.
, and v13.1 get0.0575796
. $\endgroup$1/2 Sqrt[\[Pi]/3] Erf[Sqrt[3]]
which evaluates to0.504344
. $\endgroup$NIntegrate
instead ofIntegrate
....Perhaps this should be tagged [tag[calculus-and-analysis]? And if so, perhaps the question should be about the general result, not the numerical value at the floating-point number3.
? $\endgroup$